LIDW 2024: The Impact Of Satoshi Nakamoto On English Law

Enyo Law


Enyo is a disputes-only law firm based in London, comparable in size to the largest commercial disputes teams in the City. We are market leader in cross-border and multi-jurisdictional litigation and international arbitration cases, acting for clients including major businesses and corporations, States, and high net worth individuals.
The article discusses Blockchain's impact on English law, disrupting traditional property concepts and prompting new legal frameworks. Experts explore litigation of crypto-disputes and implications of Satoshi Nakamoto's legacy.
United Kingdom Technology

Over the past few years, the novel Blockchain technology has had a significant disruptive impact on many areas, not least English law. Having broken through the traditional dichotomy of 'property', and demanding the creating of a new 'third way', disputes before the English courts are now set to challenge traditional notions of fiduciary obligations, database rights, and more. Join the panel of experts who will discuss these recent and forthcoming developments, and share their expertise and insights on how the adaptability of English law makes it the ideal forum for litigating crypto-disputes and how the shadow of Satoshi Nakamoto may influence its development for years to come.

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