Turkish Personal Data Protection Authority ("Authority") has published an announcement on March 11, 2021, stating that the deadline for the mandatory registration to VERBIS has been extended till the end of this year, 2021.

According to Article 16 of Personal Data Protection Law no. 6698 ("DP Law"), data controllers (be they natural or legal persons) processing personal data is under the obligation of being registered in VERBIS prior to the start of data processing.

What is VERBIS?

VERBIS ("Veri Sorumluları Sicil Bilgi Sistemi" meaning Data Controllers' Registry Information System) is the registration platform which natural or legal persons who process personal data has to register before they start the data processing within Turkey.

What type of information is required for the registration?

In order to complete their registration in VERBIS, Data Controllers shall provide the information listed below:

  • Data Controller's (and if available, its Representative's) identification and address information
  • Purpose of data processing
  • Explanation regarding the data subject group(s) and data categories
  • Data receivers and data receiver groups which the data may be transferred to
  • Personal data presumed to be transferred abroad
  • Precautions taken for the security of the personal data
  • Maximum period of time for which the data will be processed

Download: Deris's Verbis Fact Sheet

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.