At the moment, it is difficult to form a clear judgment about the state of economic performance and its impact on the financial services industry. Every month, statistics are scanned for signs of consistent trends, but the picture remains confused. Recovery in one place is offset by further gloom elsewhere – and is itself reversed a month later. Perhaps the 'new normal', which everyone is seeking to define, will simply be characterized by continuing uncertainty and unpredictability. The April 2013 issue of Frontiers in Finance reflects a number of insights into aspects of this search for growth in difficult times.
Articles in this edition include:
- COE Regulatory Roundtable: Still far from certainty
- Western Banks in Asia: What does it take to succeed?
- Rethinking operations: Embracing transformation in a rapidly-changing market
- Unlocking the opportunity within: Predictive analytics and modeling in Insurance
- Holistic approach vital as banks deal with change
- Are US Banks ready for consolidation?
- Pivot, tweak or pounce: Strategic challenges in wealth management
- Beyond compliance: Putting an economic capital value on risk
- High Frequency Trading: Embrace or restrict the machine?
- Micro-insurance under the microscope: Market clarity the key to growth
- Insolvencies change the investment landscape
Download the April 2013 Issue here.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.