The Federal Law, dated 3 July 2016, No. 360-FZ (hereinafter - the 'Law No. 332-FZ') amended Article 14 'Certification of State Registration of Rights' of the Federal Law, dated 21 July 1997 No, 122-FZ 'On State Registration of Real Estate Rights and Transactions Therewith' (hereinafter - the 'Registration Law').
The relevant changes entered into force from 15 July 2016.
I. New Procedure to Certify the State Registration of Emergence and Transfer of Real Estate Rights
Pursuant to the new wording of the Registration Law, the state registration of emergence and transfer of real estate rights shall be certified with an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights (hereinafter - the 'EGRP' (ediny gosudarstvenny reestr prav)).
Thus, the legislator refused the previous approach, under which the state registration of emergence and transfer of the real estate rights at the right holder choice could be certified with a certificate of state registration of rights, or an extract from the EGRP.
From the date of entry into force of the Law No. 360-FZ, the issue of new certificates on the state registration of rights, including duplicates, terminates.
The standard form of an extract from the EGRP, which certifies the state registration of rights is approved by the Order of Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated 22 March 2013, No. 147 (hereinafter - the 'Order'). According to the Order, the extract from shall contain information about the real estate, right holder, type, number and date of state registration, restrictions (encumbrances) on the rights, as well as other legally relevant data. An extract from the EGRP can be issued in a hard copy or e-form.
From 1 January 2017, extracts can be obtained from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (hereinafter - the 'EGRN' (ediny gosudarstvenny reestr nedvizhimosti)), which form is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, dated 25 December 2015, No. 975.
II. Changes in the Amount of Fee for Provision of Information from the Legally Relevant Registries
The fee for provision of information from the EGRP is currently established by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development, dated 16 December 2010, No. 650, under which the fee for a hard copy extract for an individual is - 200 roubles, for legal entities - 600 roubles; the fee for an e-copy extract for individuals is - 150 roubles, for legal entities - 300 roubles.
Pursuant to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development,
dated 10 May 2016, No. 291, the fee for provision of information
from the EGRN is as follows: the fee for a hard copy
extract for an individual is - 750 roubles, for legal entities -
2,200 roubles; the fee for an e-copy extract for individuals is -
300 roubles, for legal entities - 600 roubles.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.