1. Key takeaways
Written pleadings are served by the Registry in the electronic CMS of the Court unless service cannot be effected by means of electronic communication (R. 278.1 and 278.2 RoP)
Prior communication between the parties themselves of the written pleadings via another electronic system like the German special electronic lawyer's mailbox (besonderes elektronisches Anwaltspostfach, (beA)) cannot be considered as effective service under Rule 278.1 RoP.
2. Division
Court of Appeal Luxembourg
3. UPC number
4. Type of proceedings
Infringement proceedings, procedural order
5. Parties
Appellant (Applicant first instance): Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Respondents (Defendants first instance): Amgen Technology (Ireland) Unlimited Company; Amgen N.V.; Amgen GmbH; Amgen AB; Amgen S.A.S., Amgen s.r.l.; Amgen Biofarmacêutica Lda.; Amgen Zdravila D.O.O.
6. Patent(s)
EP 3 167 888
7. Body of legislation / Rules
R. 278.1 and 278.2 RoP
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