The Global Arbitration Review recently released their Know-How 2024 guide, which provides detailed information on how different jurisdictions approach key topics. As leading experts in the field, Hussein Haeri KC and Camilla Gambarini have authored the chapter on Italy in the Investment Treaty Arbitration Know-How Guide.
The report provides an overview of Italy's investment treaty programme including:
- Any unique or distinguishing features to the country's qualifying criteria
- Any distinguishing features to Italy's substantive protections
- Procedural rights in Italy's investment treaties
- National legislation protecting inward investments and outgoing foreign investment
- Available arbitration awards involving Italy's investment treaties
To read the full report, click here.
The Global Arbitration Review is the world's leading resource on international arbitration news and community intelligence. Being recognised as a contributor to this guide is a testament to the experience and strength of our global international arbitration practice.
Originally published by Global Arbitration Review Know-How 2024
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.