Webinar: Ireland's Digital Asset Revolution: A Roadmap For Success



Established in 1825 in Dublin, Ireland and with offices in Cork, London, New York, Palo Alto and San Francisco, more than 700 people work across Matheson’s six offices, including 96 partners and tax principals and over 470 legal and tax professionals. Matheson services the legal needs of internationally focused companies and financial institutions doing business in and from Ireland. Our clients include over half of the world’s 50 largest banks, 6 of the world’s 10 largest asset managers, 7 of the top 10 global technology brands and we have advised the majority of the Fortune 100.
In this webinar, our expert speakers will take you through the current state of technology services in Ireland and provide insights into the Irish Government's strategy for Blockchain and Digital Assets.
Worldwide Technology

Join us for a deep dive into the Irish landscape for Blockchain and Digital Assets. In this webinar, our expert speakers will take you through the current state of technology services in Ireland and provide insights into the Irish Government's strategy for Blockchain and Digital Assets.

We will explore the legal challenges surrounding the implementation of Blockchain and Digital Assets and discuss the opportunities and risks that come with these emerging technologies. Our speakers will also provide valuable insights into the latest industry trends, including the rise of decentralized finance and the potential of non-fungible tokens.

Whether you're a blockchain enthusiast, investor, or simply interested in learning more about the technology behind digital assets, this webinar is for you. Join us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current state of the Irish Blockchain and Digital Asset ecosystem and the opportunities it presents for businesses and investors.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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