Artificial intelligence governance principles
EIOPA has published a report from its consultative expert group on digital ethics (GDE) setting out artificial intelligence (AI) governance principles for an ethical and trustworthy AI in the European insurance sector. The report provides guidelines for insurers on the areas of fairness and explainability, as well as on setting a proportionate governance framework. Pedro Écija Serrano, Grant Thornton's Head of Actuarial and Analytics, chaired the GDE's Governance Working Stream that contributed to this report.
This development parallels the European Commission's recent publication of proposed AI legislation that is currently under debate. The draft legislation has no specific provisions for insurance and will only affect the industry in an indirect way according to its current wording. However, when the European Commission unveiled its Digital Finance Package last year, it stated that if AI legislation did not specifically address financial services, the Commission would ask the European Supervisors to provide it. EIOPA's document may therefore serve as a basis for further developments.
Open consultations and surveys
- Consultation on the proposal for IBOR transitions: 23/07/2021
- Discussion paper on blockchain and smart contracts in insurance. Deadline: 29/07/2021
- Non-Life Underwriting Risk Comparative Study in Internal Models. Deadline: 1/10/2021
- Consultation on the revision of the Guidelines on Valuation of Technical Provisions: Deadline 12/11/2021
- Consultation on the revision of the Guidelines on Contract Boundaries: 12/11/2021
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.