The Minister for Social Protection has announced a decrease in the hours threshold for the Wage Subsidy Scheme for employees with a disability. The weekly threshold for employers to avail of the Scheme is reduced from 21 to 15 hours from 1 April.
The Wage Subsidy Scheme is an employment support which aims to encourage the employment of people with disabilities in the open labour market. It provides financial incentives to private sector employers to employ people with a disability. The basic rate of subsidy is €6.30 per hour giving a total annual subsidy available of €12,776 per annum based on a 39-hour week. From 1 April, the work must be offered for a minimum of 15 hours to a maximum of 39 hours per week.
This article contains a general summary of developments and is not a complete or definitive statement of the law. Specific legal advice should be obtained where appropriate.