16 August 2023

Do The Offences Mentioned In The Schedule Of Offences Under The PMLA Act Can Be Applied Retrospectively To Attract PMLA?

Vaish Associates Advocates


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The offence of money-laundering is a separate offence under section 3 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA Act), which is punishable under Section 4 of the PMLA...
India Criminal Law

Article by Vijay Pal Dalmia, Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Delhi High Court, Partner & Head of Intellectual Property Laws Division, Vaish Associates Advocates, India

The offence of money-laundering is a separate offence under section 3 of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA Act), which is punishable under Section 4 of the PMLA Act. The offence of money-laundering relates to the proceeds of crime, the genesis of which is a scheduled offence.

The money laundering transaction involves three stages which have been held to be quintessential ingredients of money laundering by High Court of Andhra Pradesh in B. Rama Raju v. Union of India, MANU/AP/0125/2011 / [2011] 164 Comp Cas 149 (AP)]:

(i) The Placement Stage: the malfeasant, who is holding the money generated from criminal activities, places the crime money into the normal financial system;

(ii) The Layering Stage: the money introduced into the financial system is layered-spread out into several transactions within the financial system with a view to concealing the origin of the original identity of the money and to make this origin/identity virtually disappear; and

(iii) The Integration Stage: the money is thereafter integrated into the financial system in such a way that its original association with crime is totally obliterated and the money could be used by the malfeasant and/or the accomplices to get it as untainted/clean money.

In the case of Mahanivesh Oils & Foods Pvt. Ltd. vs. Directorate of Enforcement, W.P.(C) 1925/2014 and CM No. 4017/2014, MANU/DE/0166/2016, the Single Bench of the Delhi High Court while observing that PMLA cannot be read as to empower the authorities established under the PMLA Act, to initiate proceedings in respect of money-laundering offences done prior to 01.07.2005 or prior to the related crime being included as a scheduled offence under the Act, stated as under:

"The Act was enacted as the international community recognised the threat of money laundering whereby money generated from illegal activities such as trafficking and drugs etc. was finding its way into the economic system of a country and funding further criminal activity. The expression money-laundering would ordinarily imply the conversion and infusion of tainted money into the main stream of economy as legitimate wealth. According to the respondent, there are three stages to a transaction of money-laundering: The first stage is Placement, where the criminals place the proceeds of the crime into normal financial system. The second stage is Layering, where money introduced into the normal financial system is layered or spread into various transactions within the financial system so that any link with the origin of the wealth is lost. And, the third stage is Integration, where the benefit or proceeds of crime are available with the criminals as untainted money. There is much merit in this description of money-laundering and this also indicates that, by its nature, the offence of money-laundering has to be constituted by determinate actions and the process or activity of money-laundering is over once the third stage of integration is complete. Thus, unless such acts have been committed after the Act came into force, an offence of money-laundering punishable under Section 4 would not be made out. The 2013 Amendment to Section 3 of the Act by virtue of which the words "process or activity connected with proceeds of crime and projecting it as untainted property" were substituted by the words "any process or activity connected with proceeds of crime including concealment, possession, acquisition or use and projecting or claiming it as untainted property". The words "concealment, possession, acquisition or use" must be read in the context of the process or activity of money-laundering and this is over once the money is laundered and integrated into the economy. Thus, a person concealing or coming into possession or bringing proceeds of crime to use would have committed the offence of money-laundering when he came into possession or concealed or used the proceeds of crime.

It was further observed by the Hon'ble Court that for any offence of money-laundering to be alleged, such acts must have been done after the PMLA Act was brought in force. The proceeds of crime which had come into possession and projected and claimed as untainted prior to the PMLA Act coming into force, would be outside the sweep of the Act. However, the contention of the Respondent that relevant date would be the date of offence of money laundering and not that of the commission of the scheduled offence was considered to be merited by the Court*.

* The findings recorded by the learned Single Judge of the Delhi High Court in the said judgment has been stayed by the Division Bench of the Delhi High Court in the interim order dated 30th November 2016, passed in LPA 144/2016 filed by Directorate Of Enforcement against the order of the Single Judge.

The Bombay High Court in Hasan Ali Khan S/o. Ghousudin Ali Khan vs. Union of India (UOI), Thru' Asst. Director, Directorate of Enforcement and Anr., 2012 BomC R(Cri)807, has held that the offence of money laundering is not a continuing offence and once, proceeds of crime has been projected as 'untainted property", the offence of money laundering is over. The relevant extract from the judgment is as under:

"It is clear that the essence of the offence of the money-laundering is "projecting of the proceeds of crime as untainted property. It is this 'projecting' that attracts the applicability of the penal provisions of PML Act. Now, where such sale proceeds, or the property derived from a crime, which, at that time, was not a scheduled offence, but was a scheduled offence when such sale proceeds or such property was projected as untainted, there would be no bar to the applicability of the PML Act. If the provisions of Section 3 of the PML Act are interpreted in this manner, it would not amount to giving retrospective effect to the said Legislation. If the proceeds of a crime, which has been declared as a 'scheduled offence' on the day on which the 'projection of such proceeds' as 'untainted' is attempted or undertaken, the provisions of the PML Act would apply. Such a course, cannot be said to be violative of Article 20 of the Constitution.

In other words, the crucial date would be the date on which the projection of the proceeds of crime as 'untainted' takes place, and, if this has taken place before the commencement of the PML Act, then it cannot be suggested that a person can be prosecuted for the offence punishable under Section 4 thereof. In the instant case, most of the transactions, which are the subject matter of the case against the Applicant, have taken place before coming into force of the PML Act. They cannot be the subject matter of prosecution for the offence punishable under the PML Act. It was faintly suggested, to overcome this difficulty, that the offence of money-laundering is a continuing offence. This Dixit contention, -if it is intended thereby to suggest that even the cases where the money-laundering had already been done before the commencement of the PML Act, would give rise to the prosecution under the provisions of the PML Act, -has to be rejected forthwith."

That by virtue of the amendments brought in PMLA Act through Finance Act, 2019, an explanation (ii) has been added to the Section 3 of the PMLA, which introduced a new concept that the offence of money laundering would continue till the benefits are enjoyed by the person concerned from the tainted property.

With this explanation, the Government of India has tried to include even the offences committed prior to the introduction of the PMLA, or insertion of the predicate offence in the Scheduled Offence, wherein the person is still accruing the benefit from the tainted property.

The issue whether the PMLA Act be applied to acts which occurred prior to the enactment of the PMLA Act or addition of the offence under the schedule given in the PMLA Act is pending before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India and the amendments brought in PMLA Act through Finance Act, 2019 are also under challenge.

In the case of Union of India vs M/S. Ganpati Dealcom Pvt. Ltd., 2022/INSC/851, the Hon'ble Supreme Court while observing that Article 20(1) of the Constitution of India mandates that no law mandating a punitive provision can be enacted retrospectively held that the forfeiture provision under Section 5 of the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Amendment Act, 2016, being punitive in nature, can only be applied prospectively and not retroactively and the authorities cannot initiate or continue criminal prosecution or confiscation proceedings for transactions entered into prior to the coming into force of the 2016 Act.

Taking clue from the aforesaid judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court which was with respect to the Benami Act, in our view, there cannot be any retrospective application of the PMLA Act even after the insertion of the above explanation.


Vijay Pal Dalmia, Advocate

Supreme Court of India & Delhi High Court

Email id:

Mobile No.: +91 9810081079



Twitter: @vpdalmia


Rajat Jain, Advocate

Email id:

Mobile No. 9953887311


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