Further Extension Of Limited Sanctions Relief To 13 July 2015

Reed Smith (Worldwide)


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In our alert of 8 July, we reported that the P5+1 and Iran had announced the extension of the Joint Plan of Action Relief Period (the JPOA Relief Period) to today, 10 July 2015.
Iran International Law

In our alert of 8 July, we reported that the P5+1 and Iran had announced the extension of the Joint Plan of Action Relief Period (the JPOA Relief Period) to today, 10 July 2015.

Negotiations with Iran continue. To allow more time for the parties involved to reach a long-term solution, the JPOA Relief Period has been further extended to Monday, 13 July 2015. As with the previous extension, the suspension and relaxation of sanctions remain in place in identical form. No additional sanctions have been suspended. All activities conducted under the JPOA must be concluded by 13 July 2015.

For a summary of the JPOA measures and links to more detailed commentary, please see our alert of 1 July.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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