27 June 2018

Draw The Line On Sexual Harassment



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On 5 October 2017, the New York Times published an exposé on allegations of sexual harassment spanning several decades against Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein.
Malaysia Employment and HR

On 5 October 2017, the New York Times published an exposé on allegations of sexual harassment spanning several decades against Hollywood producer, Harvey Weinstein.

The article opened the floodgates on allegations of sexual harassment and assault. Countless others stepped forward to expose their sexual harassers, mostly powerful men in the entertainment industry. The popularisation of the hashtag #metoo on various social media platforms further led to a global phenomenon of women sharing their experiences of sexual harassment. Within a few short weeks, the number of people accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment has grown to over 80. Many other public entertainment and political figures are also caught up in similar sexual harassment or assault scandals, including UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, A-list Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey and renowned Disney animation chief John Lesseter.

A notable trend among the numerous sexual harassment allegations is the existence of a power imbalance between harasser and victim in work-related contexts. In Harvey Weinstein's case, many actresses, existing and aspiring alike, stated that they did not step forward as they feared that doing so would mean the end of their careers. Others left acting entirely following their experiences. While sexual harassment can occur at any time and in any place, the workplace as the playground of power undeniably creates an environment which is especially conducive to sexual harassment.


Despite numerous calls for the same, Malaysia, unlike many other countries, does not have any legislation dealing specifically with sexual harassment. Instead, our laws are scattered, with the relevant statutes addressing issues in a limited way and the gaps dealt with in a patchwork fashion by case law and voluntary guidelines.

Due to this, the legal definitions of sexual harassment differ depending on the circumstances the relevant laws are meant to address. For instance, Malaysia does not in fact have clear criminal laws dealing with sexual harassment. Instead, sexual harassment falls under section 509 of the Penal Code, where the insulting of one's modesty by way of words, sounds, gestures, exhibitions of objects or the intrusion of privacy, is a crime punishable by imprisonment of five years or a fine.

Meanwhile, in the recent case of Mohd Ridzwan bin Abdul Razak v Asmah binti Hj Mohd Nor [2016] 4 MLJ 282 ("Mohd Ridzwan"), the Federal Court recognised the tort of sexual harassment as a valid cause of action in Malaysia. Suriyadi FCJ described the ingredients of "sexual harassment" as "the existence of a persistent and deliberate course of unreasonable and oppressive conduct targeted at another person ... calculated to cause alarm, fear and distress to that person" which is tainted with "sexual hallmarks". Mohd Ridzwan is a ground-breaking decision which opens the doors to individual plaintiffs who wish to bring civil suits against the perpetrators of sexual harassment.

From an employment perspective, Part XVA, introduced into the Employment Act 1955 ("Part XVA") on 1 April 2012, deals specifically with sexual harassment in the workplace, and defines it as "unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, whether verbal, non- verbal, visual, gestural or physical, directed at a person which is offensive or humiliating or is a threat to his well-being, arising out of and in the course of his employment". This definition echoes the longer, more comprehensive description of sexual harassment in the Code of Practice on the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace ("Code"), which is a voluntary code issued by the Malaysian Government in 1999 for the purposes of providing guidance to employers in dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace.

The Code, which was also referred to in Mohd Ridzwan, divides sexual harassment into sexual coercion (sexual harassment which may reasonably be perceived as placing a condition of a sexual nature on one's employment) and sexual annoyance (sexual harassment which may reasonably be perceived as an offence, humiliation or a threat, but has no direct link to one's employment). The Code further clarifies that sexual harassment could potentially take place even outside the workplace, such as at work-related social functions or conferences, over the phone, through electronic media; and that such harassment could be verbal, non-verbal, visual, psychological or physical.


An obligation to investigate

Part XVA, which applies to all employees irrespective of their wages, creates a complaints mechanism for sexual harassment for employees in the workplace. Specifically, it requires employers to inquire into any complaints relating to sexual harassment made by an employee against another employee or an employer, and vice versa.

Following the inquiry, if the employer is satisfied that sexual harassment is proven, the employer is required to take disciplinary action against the accused employee which may include dismissal. If the accused person is not an employee, the employer must recommend that the person be brought before an appropriate disciplinary authority.

Part XVA further provides that the Director General of Labour ("Director General") may receive sexual harassment complaints and direct an employer to inquire into such complaints. In this event, the employer is required to inquire into the complaint and submit a report of the inquiry to the Director General within 30 days. However, if the employer is a sole proprietor, the Director General is to inquire into the complaint himself.

Failure to inquire into a complaint or to submit a report of inquiry to the Director General where required amounts to an offence by the employer.

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Originally published in Issue 4/2017 of Legal Insights

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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