On April 29, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan under the Resolution No.255 approved the Regulation “On the procedure of State control over the compliance with the special conditions of processing of personal data of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (the “Regulation”).
Among others, the Regulation, establishes the procedure for keeping the register of violators of the rights of personal data subjects (the “Register”). The Register is defined as the list of owners and/or operators of personal data databases of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan that failed to comply with the special conditions of personal data processing.
The Regulation describes in detail the sequence of measures taken by the State authorities in case of identifying breach of special conditions of personal data processing of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Once the breach is identified, the State Inspectorate “Uzkomnazorat” issues instructions to the owner and/or operator of personal data databases. In case of non-compliance with measures specified by “Uzkomnazorat”, owners and/or operators of personal data databases will be included in the Register based on conclusion of the State Personalization Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The owners and/or operators of personal data databases can challenge such decision by appealing to the court. Once the owner and/or the operator of personal data databases is included into the Register, the Ministry for Development of Information Technology and Communications restricts their activities in the national segment of the Internet.
In accordance with the Regulation, owners and operators of personal data bases may be excluded from the Register pursuant to the State Personalization Center's conclusion on elimination of violations of special conditions of personal data processing of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan or by the court decision on annulment of the previously issued conclusion of the Personalization Center.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.