Advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) are seemingly conquering the world. They offer a myriad of benefits, not least the strengthening of a company's expertise and operational capacities. Innovative products are being rapidly developed to help automate routine tasks, identify potential risks, and improve decision-making across industries, and professionals must stay up to date with these latest advances to ensure future growth and sustainability.

As new capabilities bring about a shift in the way we work, the concept of agility is becoming increasingly popular.

Formally launched as the Agile Manifesto by 17 technologists in 2001, the agile concept refers to a set of principles and values founded on the idea of 'Individuals and interactions over processes and tools'. Agile working is about bringing together people, processes, connectivity, technology, time and place, to identify the most appropriate and effective way of collaborating to get the work done.

The Agile Manifesto – what is it and can it be implemented in the legal Industry?

The Agile Manifesto is the brainchild of a group of software development project managers and was initially used to ensure project outcomes within a required time frame. Agile as a notion has since expanded far beyond the scope of software development and has in fact reached the legal profession where it looks set to transform the industry in the next few years.

An agile approach to working offers countless benefits. It allows for quick adaptation to changes in the legal landscape and ensures that projects are completed on time. This is particularly important in the fast-paced world of law where deadlines are crucial. Agile methodology promotes collaboration and communication among team members. This leads to better outcomes and greater client satisfaction. It also ensures that teams are on the same page and working towards the same goals. An agile approach to different projects sees tasks broken down into small units of time called sprints, which are designed to deliver specific features for release.

The legal industry is in rapid need of a change, and implementing an agile methodology is the perfect solution. By embracing collaboration, flexibility and continuous improvement, legal teams can work more efficiently and effectively than ever before.

The four pillars of the Agile Manifesto

The Agile Manifesto is comprised of four pillars that guide the process of agile software development:

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation.
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
  4. Responding to change over following a plan.

Today, the basis of these pillars can be applied across multiple sectors, including compliance and the legal industry.

Agile working principles

The legal industry is increasingly adopting agile working principles to increase efficiency, improve collaboration, and deliver better outcomes for clients. These principles are characterised as follows:

  1. Work is an activity, not a place
  2. Focus on performance, not presenteeism
  3. Establish trust-based relationships, not hierarchies
  4. Welcome innovation rather than bureaucracy
  5. Value people more than property

Adopting these principles, however, is not simply a matter of embracing a new methodology or process, it requires a fundamental shift in mindset. Buying new technologies and investing in new workstations is not enough. Engaging with your workforce and empowering people in a relationship of trust and responsibility has become key.

Agile compliance in the legal industry

Agile compliance is the ability to adapt quickly to changing situations. It uses feedback as a means of continuous improvement and requires effective collaboration across teams. It also adopts a human centric approach which values individuals and interactions over processes and tools, and a willingness to learn from failure. With the right mindset and implementation, agile compliance can help law firms to improve their processes, reduce risk and deliver better value to clients.

Embracing agile compliance also means being proactive, adaptable and staying up to date with the latest regulatory changes. It promotes a culture of compliance within organisations, where everyone is accountable and responsible for meeting regulatory requirements. Ultimately, agile compliance is about finding the right balance between compliance and innovation and ensuring that organisations can continue to thrive in the face of regulatory changes.

Shifting cultural mindset

Shifting the mindset of a legal firm towards an agile methodology means breaking away from traditional hierarchical structures and fostering cross-functional teams. Agile practices promote self-organising units that collaborate effectively, leading to a more cohesive and flat organisational structure. In the legal industry, this shift means a shift in focus towards client satisfaction. Through collaborations, law firms can effectively work towards achieving clients' unique needs and demands. By adopting agile practices, the legal industry can also streamline processes, achieve greater overall efficiency, and enhance client satisfaction, ultimately resulting in greater success for all parties involved.

Adapting to change is not always easy. History has shown that a shift from something old to something new can be hard and be met with considerable resistance. One might recall the 'computerphobia' of the 1980s when computers were first launched, or the fear cashiers had about losing their jobs with the introduction of the ATM. While some anxieties were certainly not unfounded, the advent of new technologies did force people to adapt and unleash their potential.

With each innovation, we have survived and made evolution our ally. Professionals today must adapt in the same way, if not faster, to avoid losing momentum. This will require a proactive approach and a shift in mindset. Exhibiting agility can be revolutionizing if we change our patterns. As Jim Rohns says in his most famous quotes, "If you don't like how things are, change it! You are not a tree, you can move!"

Stay tuned for more topics about the agile mindset.

Originally Published by Cyprus Mail

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.