A fast mover on improvement in capital markets, the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) has implemented a new alleviated "fastlane" admission tool for listings on its exchange-regulated Euro MTF market.
Non-European sovereigns and corporate issuers, who already have their shares listed on a European Unionregulated market (or similar), and seeking admission on the Euro MTF, may file a simplified admission document containing the terms and conditions of the securities for which an admission on the Euro MTF is sought.
With this new fastlane admission process, the LuxSE aims to help eligible issuers save time and costs, ensure a faster time to market for new issuances, all while confirming the LuxSE's ambitions to remain the global number one in terms of debt securities listings.
For more information or any assistance required in connection with the above you can contact our Luther Banking, Finance and Capital Markets team.
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