7 November 2023

Quebec Repeals All Contest Laws

Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA)


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Quebec has abolished its current contest laws, effective as of October 27, 2023. Contest sponsors can now accept entries from Quebec without having to register the contest with the...
Canada Media, Telecoms, IT, Entertainment

Quebec has abolished its current contest laws, effective as of October 27, 2023. Contest sponsors can now accept entries from Quebec without having to register the contest with the Regie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (the "Régie"), pay duties up to 10% of the total prize value, include prescribed disclosures in the contest rules, or submit to the Régie's jurisdiction in the event of a dispute.

Note that if a contest was filed with the Régie prior to October 27, 2023, then it will remain governed by the previous laws, including the requirement to provide the post-contest winner report.

For context, the Régie is the local authority established by the government of Quebec to regulate the alcohol, lottery, gambling, racing, and combat sports industries. Publicity contests were also governed by the Régie up until the recent repeal of Quebec's contest laws.

These significant changes in Quebec follow the 2021 flexibilities initially offered to international contests. These changes now fully repeal the provisions related to publicity contests in the Act respecting lotteries, publicity contests, and amusement machines and the abolish the Rules respecting publicity contests.

Contest sponsors should be aware that French language laws will continue to require that contest rules and other legal and creative assets be translated into French for the Quebec market.


These significant changes in Quebec follow the 2021 flexibilities initially offered to international contests.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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