19 August 2011

Hide And Seek With Sewer Bylaws

Siskinds LLP


Since 1937, Siskinds has been that firm of specialists serving individuals, families and businesses in southwestern Ontario and Canada from our offices in London, Sarnia and Quebec City. We’ve grown as the world around us has evolved. Today, we are a team of over 230 lawyers and support staff covering personal, business, personal injury and class action law and over 25 specialized practice areas.
The Internet has been an enormous boon to those needing to keep up with municipal bylaws.
Canada Environment

The Internet has been an enormous boon to those needing to keep up with municipal bylaws. Instead of the old process of sending a student down to City Hall, now we just access the city's website. But it turns out that municipalities have as much trouble keeping their websites up-to-date as everybody else. On the City of Toronto website, for example, 3 different departments have posted their Sewer Code, Chapter 849, but two of the versions are long since obsolete: Toronto Water, Utility Bills, and Toronto Legal. And even the Legal Department's version is not always up to date. Fun!

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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