Legal battle looming over the Bob Hawke estate

His daughter is preparing a legal challenge for a share of her father's estate, claiming inadequate family provision.
Australia Family and Matrimonial

The late Bob Hawke has been described by some as Australia's greatest prime minister; a leader who left an "incomparable legacy" on Australian politics, and who "dared us to become a better nation".

Just as he made wise decisions for Australia's future, Mr Hawke wisely chose to put a Will in place to provide for his family after his passing. However, Wills can be challenged once a person has passed away.

Mr Hawke reportedly left his estate (reportedly in excess of $15M) to his second wife Blanche d'Alpuget, with a payment of $750,000 to each to his three children and his stepson as part of a separate agreement on his death. Now, it is reported that Mr Hawke's daughter is preparing a legal challenge to claim a share of her father's estate, on the grounds of inadequate family provision.

Mr Hawke famously became publically emotional while discussing his daughter's drug use in 1984, indicating his deep care and concern for her. As a child of Mr Hawke, Ms Dillion is eligible to challenge his Will, and the court will consider various factors in assessing her claim such as the nature of their relationship, Ms Dillon's financial circumstances and whether she received provision during his lifetime. If Ms Dillon can establish the provision she received is not sufficient for proper education, maintenance and advancement, then the court may make an order for the deceased estate to meet her financial need.

Across Australia, will disputes are becoming increasingly common. These claims are often made in a wide variety of circumstances with an equally wide variety in outcome. As such, making a successful claim takes proper guidance and advice to ensure the best outcome possible.

Whether you believe you've been unfairly provided for, received an unexpectedly small inheritance or have been left out of a Will altogether, contact us today for a chat about whether you have legal grounds for financial compensation.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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