How to respond to an affidavit in the Family Court?

Unified Lawyers


Unified Lawyers, a top-rated family law firm in Australia, has expanded its presence with offices in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. Specialising in divorce, child custody, property settlement, and financial agreements, they have been recognised as one of Australia's best family lawyers. Their team, including Accredited Family Law Specialists, is committed to providing high-quality legal advice and representation at affordable rates. Acknowledging the stress of family breakdowns, they offer free consultations for personalised guidance. With over 450 5-Star Google reviews, Unified Lawyers ensures exceptional service. Available 24/7, they are ready to assist in family law matters across Australia.
An affidavit is a written statement made under oath, serving as evidence in legal proceedings.
Australia Family and Matrimonial

When you're faced with writing an affidavit or responding to an affidavit in family court, it can be difficult to know where to begin – especially if you're unfamiliar with the legal processes involved or the legal system in general.

Whether you're dealing with a response to an initiating application or preparing an affidavit for efiling applications, understanding the basics of affidavits can make the process much easier.

To help you, our family lawyers Sydney have put together some information to guide you through this important step.

What is an affidavit?

An affidavit is a written statement made under oath, serving as evidence in legal proceedings. It is a crucial document in family law cases, such as divorce or custody disputes. Affidavits present facts and information that the person swears to be true.

In family law, affidavits may be required in various matters, including child custody, property disputes, or spousal support.

When do I file a family court affidavit?

Filing a family court affidavit may be necessary at various stages of the legal process. Understanding when and how to file an affidavit can help ensure your case is presented effectively and within the required legal framework and time limits. We've listed some of the most common times when an affidavit may be required below:

  • Initial Proceedings – During the initial proceedings, you may need to file an affidavit when you start a case or respond to one. For instance, if you're initiating a divorce, you might be required to submit an affidavit for efiling applications. This affidavit will typically contain a written statement detailing your personal account of the marriage, the reasons for the breakdown, and any other relevant information.
  • Interim Hearings – Interim hearings are held to make temporary decisions on urgent issues while the case is ongoing. For these hearings, you might need to prepare an affidavit that presents evidence supporting your requests for temporary orders, such as child custody arrangements or spousal support. It's crucial to file the affidavit on time and ensure it meets the legal requirements set by the court.
  • Final Hearings – At the final hearing, all the evidence is reviewed, and a decision is made on the case. You'll need to file an affidavit that comprehensively covers all aspects of your case, presenting your arguments and supporting them with evidence. This may include attaching other documents such as financial statements.

It's important to note that there are usually deadlines for when your affidavit needs to be filed, and deadlines may differ depending on the type of matter you're dealing with or the type of court you're involved in. If you fail to meet these deadlines it could have an extremely negative effect on your case, including delaying the proceedings or having your affidavit (evidence) excluded.

Do I need a lawyer to make a family court affidavit?

While it is possible to write your own affidavit, having a lawyer can significantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of your document.

Family law cases can be complex, and affidavits play a critical role in presenting your case to the court. A lawyer can ensure that your affidavit complies with all legal requirements and court rules. They can help you avoid common mistakes and ensure that the document is clear, concise, and compelling.

A lawyer can also guide you on what to include and what to avoid in your affidavit. They can help you understand how to write an affidavit that meets the specific requirements of your case. This includes ensuring that your affidavit:

  • Contains only factual information and avoids personal opinion.
  • Is free from hearsay evidence unless it falls under certain exceptions.
  • Is formatted correctly according to court guidelines.

A well-drafted affidavit can make a significant difference in how the court perceives your case. As family lawyers, we have the expertise to present your evidence in a clear and persuasive manner, where we organise the information logically and include all necessary details, such as attaching documents and including a cover page if required.

In more complex family law cases, such as those involving significant assets, child custody disputes, or allegations of misconduct, having a lawyer is crucial. It's our role to help you prepare an affidavit that addresses all relevant issues comprehensively. For instance, if your case involves an independent children's lawyer, your affidavit needs to address the specific concerns and requirements related to the children's best interests.

Even if you decide to draft your affidavit yourself, it is highly recommended that you seek legal advice to review the document before submitting it. This can help catch any potential issues and ensure that your affidavit is as strong as possible.

Do witnesses need to make an affidavit?

Yes, witnesses who have relevant information about your case can and should provide affidavits. These affidavits can support your statements and add credibility to your case by presenting additional perspectives.

Witness affidavits can be beneficial in a range of situations, including:

  • Child custody cases: To provide insights into the child's well-being and the suitability of each parent.
  • Financial disputes: To offer evidence about financial matters, such as income or property details.
  • Character references: To attest to the character and behaviour of a party involved in the dispute.

A witness affidavit can be written by anyone who has relevant knowledge about the case. This could be family members with direct knowledge of the people involved and their family dynamics. It could be friends who can speak to your character, their interactions with you and your relationship. A witness could also be a professional, such as a teacher or doctor who has relevant observations.

What should not be included in an affidavit?

When writing an affidavit, it's so important to focus on clear and relevant information. Here are things to avoid including:

Opinions and personal beliefs

Your affidavit should be based solely on facts. Avoid including personal opinions, beliefs, or interpretations. Stick to what you personally know to be true and can substantiate with evidence.

Irrelevant information

Only include details that are directly related to the case. Adding unnecessary information can make your affidavit confusing and less effective. Keep it concise and focused on the key issues.

Emotional language

Maintain a professional tone throughout your affidavit. Avoid using emotional or inflammatory language, as this can undermine your credibility. The goal is to present a clear, factual account without letting emotions influence the content.

Hearsay evidence

Hearsay evidence, or information that you heard from someone else, is generally not admissible in court unless it meets certain exceptions. Ensure that all statements are based on your personal knowledge and experiences.

Incomplete or unverified information

Do not include any information that you cannot verify or that is incomplete. If you mention documents or other evidence, ensure that these are attached or clearly referenced in your affidavit.

By avoiding these common pitfalls, you can create a strong, credible affidavit that effectively supports your case in family court.

Confused about family court affidavits?

Navigating the complexities of family court affidavits can be overwhelming, but you don't have to face it alone. If you're unsure how to proceed or what to include in your affidavit, consider seeking legal advice. Consulting with a family lawyer can provide you with the clarity and guidance you need to ensure your affidavit is properly prepared and legally sound.

At Unified Lawyers, our family law firm Australia has worked with countless people throughout Australia, to help resolve various family law matters and ensure their legal proceedings run smoothly, and we can help you.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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