What is an ex-parte application in family law?

Justice Family Lawyers


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Ex-parte applications may be necessary in urgent situations, but there are risks associated with filing them.
Australia Family and Matrimonial

An ex-parte application is a legal request made to a court by one party without notifying the other party involved. This means the court will consider and potentially rule on the request without hearing from all sides. It's a bit like a surprise move in a chess game, but with serious legal implications.

Why would someone make an ex-parte application? Well, it's usually reserved for emergencies or situations where immediate action is needed to protect someone's safety or well-being. Think of cases involving domestic violence, child abduction, or urgent concerns about a child's welfare.

The court will carefully consider the evidence presented and decide whether to grant temporary orders based on the information provided by the applicant. These orders might include restrictions on contact, temporary custody arrangements, or even financial support.

It's important to remember that ex-parte orders are usually temporary and are meant to address the immediate crisis. A full hearing with both parties present will typically follow to resolve the issues more comprehensively.

What are the risks of filing an ex-parte application?

While ex-parte applications can be necessary in urgent situations, there are several risks associated with filing them:

Risks for the Applicant:

  • Setting Aside of Orders: If the court finds that the ex parte application was not justified or did not meet the strict requirements, any orders made can be set aside. This means the applicant loses any advantage gained from the ex parte order and may face additional costs.
  • Costs Orders: Courts can order the applicant to pay the other party's legal costs if the ex parte application is deemed inappropriate or if the applicant failed to disclose all relevant information.
  • Damage to Reputation: Filing an ex parte application can be seen as an aggressive tactic and may damage the applicant's reputation, especially if the application is unsuccessful or overturned.
  • Professional Negligence Claim: If a lawyer advises their client to file an ex parte application without proper justification, it could lead to a professional negligence claim against the lawyer.

Risks for the Respondent:

  • Lack of Opportunity to Respond: The most significant risk for the respondent is the lack of opportunity to present their side of the case before an order is made. This can result in unfair outcomes and a violation of the principles of natural justice.
  • Difficulty in Setting Aside Orders: While ex parte orders can be set aside, it can be a time-consuming and costly process for the respondent.

General Risks:

  • Misuse of Process: Ex parte applications can be misused by parties seeking to gain an unfair advantage or to harass the other party.
  • Undermining of the Legal System: The overuse or misuse of ex parte applications can erode public trust in the legal system.

Also read: Understanding the Process: A Child Removed from Parents NSW

Can an ex-parte order in family law be overturned?

Yes, an ex parte order in family law can be overturned in Australia. The respondent, who was not present or notified during the initial application, has the right to challenge the order.

They can apply to the court to have it set aside or varied, presenting their side of the case and any relevant evidence. The court will then consider all information and decide whether the ex parte order should be maintained, modified, or discharged entirely.

Factors influencing this decision include the urgency of the initial situation, the validity of the reasons for the ex parte order, and any new evidence brought forward by the respondent.

Also read: Can a Father Take a Child Away from the Mother in Australia?

Ex-Parte Application and Child Custody

When seeking an ex-parte order for child custody through the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA), applicants must adhere to a structured procedure. This involves preparing a comprehensive Initiating Application, which includes several key components:

  1. Initiating Application: This document sets the legal proceedings in motion. It must clearly outline the request for an ex-parte order regarding child custody.
  2. Affidavit: The applicant must submit an affidavit detailing the facts of their case. This affidavit should emphasize the urgency of the situation, providing specific instances and evidence that substantiate the need for immediate court intervention.
  3. Cover Letter: Accompanying the application should be a cover letter that explains the nature of the application and the reasons for the required urgency. The letter should make direct references to relevant sections of the affidavit that demonstrate the need for an urgent hearing.
  4. Out-of-Hours Service: In situations where there is an immediate risk, such as the potential abduction of a child, the FCFCOA provides an out-of-hours service. This allows applicants to seek emergency orders even when the court is closed, ensuring that protective measures can be implemented swiftly.
  5. Court Review and Hearing: Upon filing, the court assesses the urgency of the application. If deemed necessary, an immediate ex-parte hearing may be scheduled where the applicant presents their case. The court reviews the claims made in the affidavit, including the potential consequences of not granting the order, any previous attempts to notify the other party, and the impact of the order on all involved parties.
  6. Critical Incident List: For cases involving critical circumstances where a non-parent needs immediate parental responsibilities due to unforeseen events (e.g., death, critical injury), the matter can be placed on the FCFCOA's Critical Incident List. This facilitates faster legal interventions to protect the welfare of the children involved.
  7. Additional Orders and Legal Advice: In cases involving financial disputes, especially where assets are easily hidden or disposed of, the court may also issue orders to safeguard these assets. It's crucial for applicants, particularly those also dealing with potential domestic violence, to consider applying for additional protective orders like an apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO).
  8. Court Decision: Following the review of all evidence and hearings, the court will decide whether to issue the ex-parte order. Initial orders are temporary and subject to change upon further hearings where the other party can respond.

Need help with an ex-parte application?

Facing an urgent family law issue and need immediate legal assistance? Justice Family Lawyers can help with an ex-parte application to address matters requiring prompt court intervention.

Don't navigate this challenging process alone; let our expert team advocate for your rights swiftly and effectively. Contact Justice Family Lawyers today for a consultation and ensure your urgent concerns are heard by the court without delay. Act now for the legal support you need!

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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