5 October 2022

Webinar: Employer Responsibilities And Employee Rights In Australia

n this webinar, Joydeep Hor of leading labour and employment law firm People + Culture Strategies will provide an "essentials" overview for any overseas business and in-house counsel as to the regulation of employment in Australia.
Worldwide Employment and HR

In this webinar, Joydeep Hor of leading labour and employment law firm People + Culture Strategies will provide an "essentials" overview for any overseas business and in-house counsel as to the regulation of employment in Australia. The Australian employment landscape is highly complex and evolved with employers needing to be aware of a wide range of employee rights, particularly in the termination context as well as a significant number of compliance obligations.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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