During the Christmas holiday period in New South Wales, there is typically an increase in crime. However, certain types of criminal offences are more common. Be careful this festive season, but if you need legal assistance, our criminal lawyers in Sydney are here to help you with your criminal charge.
Criminal Charge: Drink Driving
Alcohol-related offences, particularly drink driving, see a significant spike during the festive season. NSW Police conduct extensive breath testing operations, with statistics from previous years showing hundreds of drink driving charges laid in just a week. The increase in social gatherings and alcohol consumption during this period contributes to the rise in these offences.
Criminal Charge: Domestic Violence
Sadly, domestic violence incidents surge during the Christmas holidays. Factors such as financial strain, increased time spent together, and higher alcohol consumption can exacerbate tensions in households, leading to a spike in domestic violence-related complaints.
Criminal Charge: Theft and Burglary
Property crimes, including theft and burglary, increase significantly during the Christmas period. Opportunistic thieves target homes left unoccupied during holiday travel and take advantage of the abundance of gifts and valuables typically present during this time.
Criminal Charge: Assault
Common assault charges often increase during the festive season. While not always resulting in serious injury, these incidents can still lead to criminal charges, with a maximum penalty of two years imprisonment in NSW.
Criminal Charge: Drug-Related Offences
More police operations during the holiday period often result in increased drug-related charges, including possession and driving under the influence of drugs.
Criminal Charge: Public Order Offences
With more people out celebrating, there's an uptick in public order offences such as disorderly conduct and trespassing.
To address this seasonal increase in crime, NSW Police typically conduct targeted operations, such as the recent pre-Christmas crackdown that resulted in 78 arrests and 101 charges laid. It's crucial for individuals to be aware of these trends and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and law-abiding holiday season.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.