On December 26, 2024, Provisions No. 11362/2024 and 11378/2024, issued by the National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology - ANMAT (hereinafter, the "Provisions"), were published in the Official Gazette of the Argentine Republic. These regulations introduce changes to the front labelling system.
Among other issues, Provision No. 11362/2024 approves the Handbook on the Application of Law No. 27.642 on the Promotion of Healthy Food and Decree No. 151/22. The purpose of this handbook is to contribute to the interpretation and effective application of the regulations.
Likewise, by means of Provision No. 11378/2024, new specific rules were approved for the advertising of food products containing at least one warning seal. In this sense, the previous Provision No. 6924/22 was repealed.
To access the full Provisions, click on the following links:
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