Diversity Lab, an incubator for innovative ideas and solutions that boost diversity and inclusion in law, announced today that Shipman & Goodwin has earned Mansfield 5.0 Certification Plus recognition for its commitment to enhancing diversity among its leadership. This is Shipman's third consecutive year receiving the Certified Plus designation. The firm is currently participating in the Mansfield Rule 6.0 Certification process.

"Shipman has always been committed to diversity, equity and inclusion," said Managing Partner, Leander Dolphin. "Since adopting Mansfield, we have been more intentional and unceasing about our investment given that the certification process marries our desire for diversity with measurable action and holds us accountable for achieving our goals. Like many in the legal industry, I look forward to the day when there will be fewer 'firsts' for women, people of color and other groups underrepresented in law. We are proud to be part of the effort to revolutionize law firms by insisting on diversity, equity, and inclusion, every day, and in every decision we make."

The goal of the Mansfield Rule is to measure whether law firms have affirmatively considered at least 30 percent women, underrepresented racial/ethnic groups, LGBTQ+ lawyers, and lawyers with disabilities for leadership and governance roles, equity partner promotions, formal client pitch opportunities, and senior lateral positions. Shipman's "Certified Plus" status indicates that the firm has reached or exceeded at least 30 percent diverse lawyer representation among a notable number of its current leadership roles, in addition to achieving the baseline certification requirements.

"Our participation in the Mansfield Rule certification process has had a deep and lasting positive impact on the firm and the way we consciously consider diversity in our organizational and business decisions, culminating in a strong culture that promotes diverse talent and creates a supportive environment," said Alfredo Fernández, Chair of the firm's DE&I Committee. "We are proud to be recognized with the Plus status again this year for our efforts to diversify our firm and promote equity and inclusion in our leadership roles."