23 June 2022

Maples Group Deals Announcement - Hong Kong And Singapore - June 2022

Maples Group


The Maples Group is a leading service provider offering clients a comprehensive range of legal services on the laws of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Ireland, Jersey and Luxembourg, and is an independent provider of fiduciary, fund services, regulatory and compliance, and entity formation and management services.
Please find below details of some of the notable transactions on which Maples and Calder, the Maples Group's law firms in Hong Kong and Singapore, have recently advised.
Hong Kong

Please find below details of some of the notable transactions on which Maples and Calder, the Maples Group's law firms in Hong Kong and Singapore, have recently advised:

以下是Maples集团旗下香港及新加坡律师事务所,迈普达律师事务所, 近期受客户委托提供法律意见的部分交易项目:

Public Offerings and Listings



Yoho Group Holdings Limited – closed on 10 June 2022

友和集团控股有限公司于香港的首次公开招股项目 ── 2022 610日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Yoho Group Holdings Limited ("Yoho") in relation to its initial public offering of 55,000,000 shares, and the listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Yoho is one of the leading players in business-to-consumer e-commerce industry in Hong Kong. The offering, which closed on 10 June 2022, raised approximately HK$115 million. The Maples team comprised partner Derrick Kan and associate Katherine Ng. The Group's Fund Services business acted as the Cayman Islands Share Registrar, and the team comprised Eastern Fong, Regional Head of the Group's fund services business in Asia and senior vice president Christy Poon. Yoho was represented by Deacons as to Hong Kong law. The sole sponsor, CMBC International Capital, and the underwriters were represented by Chiu & Partners as to Hong Kong law.

为友和集团控股有限公司(简称"友和")就其首次公开招股发行55,000,000股股份及于香港交易所上市项目担任开曼群岛法律顾问。友和是香港企业对消费者(B2C)电子商务行业的领先市场参与者之一。此项目已于2022年6月10日完成,集资约1.15亿港元。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Derrick Kan简立基,以及律师Katherine Ng吴家韵。Maples集团的基金服务业务担任开曼群岛股份登记处,其团队成员包括Maples集团亚洲区基金服务业务区域主管Eastern Fong方东及高级副总裁Christy Poon 潘淑雯。的近律师行担任友和的香港法律顾问。赵不渝 马国强律师事务所担任独家保荐人民银资本和包销商的香港法律顾问。

Yunkang Group Limited's HKIPO – closed on 18 May 2022

云康集团有限公司于香港的首次公开招股项目 ── 2022 518日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Yunkang Group Limited (the "Yunkang") in relation to its initial public offering of 138,188,000 shares, and the listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Yunkang is a medical operation service provider in China offering a full suite of diagnostic testing services for medical institutions. The offering, which closed on 18 May 2022, raised approximately HK$1.09 billion. The Maples team comprised partner Derrick Kan and legal manager Sarena Gong. The Group's Fund Services business acted as the Cayman Islands Share Registrar, and the team comprised Eastern Fong, Regional Head of the Group's fund services business in Asia and senior vice president Christy Poon. Yunkang was represented by Kirkland & Ellis as to Hong Kong and US laws and by Zhong Lun Law Firm as to PRC law. The joint sponsors, CMB International and SPDB International, and underwriters were represented by Herbert Smith Freehills as to Hong Kong and US law and by Tian Yuan Law Firm as to PRC law.

为云康集团有限公司(简称" 云康")就其首次公开招股发行138,188,000股股份及于香港交易所上市项目担任开曼群岛法律顾问。云康是中国的一家医学运营服务提供商,为医疗机构提供全套的诊断检测服务。此项目已于2022年5月18日完成,集资约10.9亿港元。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Derrick Kan简立基,以及法务经理Sarena Gong 龚天越。Maples集团的基金服务业务担任开曼群岛股份登记处,其团队成员包括Maples集团亚洲区基金服务业务区域主管Eastern Fong方东及高级副总裁Christy Poon 潘淑雯。凯易律师事务所担任云康的香港及美国法律顾问。中伦律师事务所担任云康的中国内地法律顾问。史密夫斐尔律师事务所担任联席保荐人(招银国际融资及浦银国际融资)及包销商的香港及美国法律顾问。天元律师事务所担任上述联席保荐人及包销商的中国内地法律顾问。

Zhihu dual primary listing on the HKSE – closed on 22 April 2022

知乎于香港的双重主要上市项目── 2022 422日完成

View the full release online: Maples Advises Zhihu Inc. on its Primary Dual Listing in Hong Kong



Acted as Cayman Islands legal counsel to Zhihu Inc. ("Zhihu"), in relation to its global offering of 26,000,000 Class A ordinary shares and dual primary listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. American Depositary Shares representing the Class A ordinary shares of Zhihu have been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 2021. The offering closed on 22 April 2022 and raised approximately HK$833.6 million. Notably, Zhihu is the first Chinese internet company to have completed a dual primary listing in Hong Kong and the United States with a weighted voting rights structure.

The Group's Hong Kong legal team led by Corporate Partner, Karen Zhang Pallaras with assistance from Associate, Jessica Zhan advised Zhihu on the Cayman Islands legal aspects of the transaction. The Group's Fund Services team comprising, Eastern Fong, Regional Head of Fund Services – Asia and Christy Poon, Senior Vice President, acted as the Cayman Islands share registrar. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP acted as legal advisers to Zhihu as to Hong Kong and US laws and Han Kun Law Offices as to PRC law. Clifford Chance acted as Hong Kong counsel and Jingtian & Gongcheng acted as PRC counsel respectively to the joint sponsors Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, CICC and CMB International, and the underwriters.

Maples 集团欣然为 Zhihu Inc.(简称"知乎")全球发行 26,000,000 股 A 类普通股及于香港交易所的双重主要上市项目担任开曼群岛法律顾问。代表知乎 A 类普通股的美国存托股份自 2021 年 3 月起于纽约证券交易所上市。此项目已于 2022 年 4 月 22 日完成,集资约 8.336 亿港元。值得注意的是,知乎是首家在香港和美国完成双重主要上市并且采用"不同投票权"(又称"同股不同权")(weighted voting rights)股权架构的中国互联网公司。

该团队由企业事务合伙人 Karen Zhang Pallaras 张那领衔,由律师 Jessica Zhan 詹欣彤提供协助。Maples 集团的基金服务团队担任开曼群岛股份登记处,其团队成员包括亚洲区基金服务区域主管 Eastern Fong 方东及高级副总裁 Christy Poon 潘淑雯。世达国际律师事务所担任知乎的香港和美国法律顾问。汉坤律师事务所担任知乎的中国内地法律顾问。高伟绅律师行担任联席保荐人(瑞信、摩根大通、中金公司和招银国际)及包销商的香港法律顾问。竞天公诚律师事务所担任上述联席保荐人及包销商的中国内地法律顾问。


NIO Inc. - Singapore listing – closed on 20 May 2022

蔚来集团 ── 新加坡交易所主板上市项目── 于2022 520日完成

View the full release online: Maples Group Supports First Cayman Islands Entity to List on Three International Stock Exchanges



Supported NIO Inc. ("NIO"), a Cayman Islands incorporated company, on its listing of Class A Ordinary Shares on the Main Board of the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited ("SGX-ST") on 20 May 2022. Remarkably, NIO is the first Cayman Islands company to be listed on three stock exchanges, following its listing on the New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") and Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("HKSE"), the latter of which also occurred in 2022.

A team of finance lawyers based in the Group's Hong Kong office acted as Cayman Islands counsel to NIO, and was led by Finance Partner, Lorraine Pao and assisted by Finance Associate, Irena Wu. The Group's Fund Services team comprising Regional Head of Fund Services – Asia, Eastern Fong and Senior Vice President, Christy Poon acted as the Cayman Islands share registrar in respect of shares of NIO listed on SGX-ST.

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, WongPartnership LLP and Han Kun Law Offices acted as legal advisers to NIO as to US law, Singapore law and PRC law respectively. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett, Allen & Gledhill LLP and Commerce & Finance Law Offices acted as legal advisers to the Joint Issue Managers as to US law, Singapore law and PRC law respectively.

Maples 集团欣然为 NIO Inc. 蔚来集团(一家于开曼群岛注册成立的公司,简称"蔚来集团")就其 A 类普通股于 2022 年 5 月 20 日在新加坡交易所主板上市项目提供法律咨询服务。值得注意的是,蔚来集团是首家在三个证券交易所上市的开曼群岛公司。在此之前,蔚来集团于纽约证券交易所上市,并于 2022 年于香港交易所主板上市。

Maples 集团设于香港的律师事务所融资事务团队担任蔚来集团的开曼群岛法律顾问,由融资事务合伙人 Lorraine Pao 鲍咏璁领衔,律师target=_blank Irena Wu 吴顺秀提供协助。Maples 集团的基金服务团队为蔚来集团于新加坡交易所的上市项目担任开曼群岛股份登记处,其团队成员包括亚洲区基金服务区域主管Eastern Fong 方东及高级副总裁 Christy Poon 潘淑雯

世达国际律师事务所担任蔚来集团的美国法律顾问。WongPartnership LLP 王律师事务所担任蔚来集团的新加坡法律顾问。汉坤律师事务所担任蔚来集团的中国内地法律顾问。盛信律师事务所担任联席发行经办人的美国法律顾问。艾伦格禧律师事务所担任联席发行经办人的新加坡法律顾问。通商律师事务所担任联席发行经辧人的中国内地法律顾问。


Belite Bio, Inc's USIPO – closed on 3 May 2022

Belite Bio, Inc 于美国首次公开招股项目── 2022 53日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Belite Bio, Inc ("Belite") in relation to its initial public offering and listing of 6,000,000 American depositary shares, each representing one ordinary share of Belite, on the Nasdaq Capital Market. Belite is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical drug development company focused on novel therapeutics targeting currently untreatable eye diseases involving retinal degeneration. The offering, which closed on 3 May 2022, raised approximately US$36 million. The Maples team comprised partner Juno Huang and legal manager Charmaine Chow. The Group's Fund Services business acted as the Cayman Islands Share Registrar, and its team comprised Eastern Fong, Regional Head of the Group's fund services business in Asia and senior vice president Christy Poon. O'Melveny & Myers LLP and Commerce & Finance Law Offices acted as US and Chinese counsels respectively to Belite, whilst Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP acted as US counsel to the underwriters.

为 Belite Bio, Inc(简称"Belite")就其首次公开招股发行6,000,000股美国存托股份(每股Belite美国存托股份代表其一股普通股)及于纳斯达克资本市场上市项目担任开曼群岛法律顾问。Belite是一家临床阶段的生物制药药物开发公司,专注于针对目前无法治愈的眼部疾病的新疗法,这些疾病涉及视网膜变性。此项目已于2022年5月3日完成,集资约3,600万美元。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Juno Huang黄子容,以及法务经理Charmaine Chow周恩咏。Maples集团的基金服务业务担任开曼群岛股份登记处,其团队成员包括Maples集团亚洲区基金服务区域主管Eastern Fong方东及高级副总裁Christy Poon 潘淑雯。美迈斯律师事务所担任Belite的美国法律顾问。通商律师事务所担任Belite的中国法律顾问。Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP担任包销商的美国法律顾问。

Chenghe Acquisition Co. US IPO (SPAC Listing) – closed on 2 May 2022

Chenghe Acquisition Co.于美国首次公开招股项目(特殊目的收购公司上市项目)── 于2022 52日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Chenghe Acquisition Co. (the "Issuer") in relation to its initial public offering of 11,500,000 units (including 1,500,000 units if the underwriters' over-allotment option is exercised in full) and its listing on the Nasdaq Global Market. The Issuer is a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) formed for the purpose of pursuing business combination targets, which focuses on financial technology or technology-enabled financial service companies, including artificial intelligence, big data, cloud and blockchain-related initiatives in Asian markets.The offering, which closed on 2 May 2022, raised approximately US$115 million. The Maples team comprised partner Matt Roberts and associate Katherine Ng. White & Case acted as US counsel to the Issuer and Paul Hastings LLP acted as US counsel to the underwriters.

为Chenghe Acquisition Co.(简称"发行人")就其首次公开招股发行11,500,000个单位(包括如包销商悉数行使超额配售选择权后的1,500,000个单位)及于纳斯达克全球市场上市项目担任开曼群岛法律顾问。发行人是一家特殊目的收购公司,目标为专注于金融科技或技术驱动型金融服务公司,包括亚洲市场的人工智能、大数据、云端和区块链相关的业务。此项目已于2022年5月2日完成,集资约1.15亿美元。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Matt Roberts马伯茨,以及律师Katherine Ng 吴家韵。伟凯律师事务所担任发行人的美国法律顾问。普衡律师事务所担任包销商的美国法律顾问。

Aimfinity Investment Corp. I –closed on 28 April 2022

Aimfinity Investment Corp. I ── 2022 428日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Aimfinity Investment Corp. I (the "Issuer") in relation to its initial public offering of 8,050,000 units (including 1,050,000 units issued upon exercise in full by the underwriters of the over-allotment option) and its listing on the Nasdaq Global Market. The Issuer is a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) formed for the purpose of pursuing business combination targets, which focuses on identifying unique business concepts with high-performing organizations that have both aspirations to accelerate growth and create enduring value within the technology sector. The offering, which closed on 28 April 2022, raised approximately US$80.5 million. The Maples team comprised partner Juno Huang and legal manager Charmaine Chow. Sidley Austin LLP acted as US counsel to the Issuer and Winston & Strawn LLP acted as US counsel to the underwriters.

为Aimfinity Investment Corp. I(简称"发行人")就其首次公开招股发行8,050,000个单位(包括包销商悉数行使超额配售选择权后的已发行的1,050,000个单位)及于纳斯达克全球市场上市项目担任开曼群岛法律顾问。发行人是一家特殊目的收购公司,目标为专注于与锐意在技术领域加快增长且创造持久价值的优秀团体合作,共同确定独特的商业理念。此项目已于2022年4月28日完成,集资约8,050万美元。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Juno Huang黄子容,以及法务经理Charmaine Chow周恩咏。盛德律师事务所担任发行人的美国法律顾问。温斯顿律师事务所担任包销商的美国法律顾问。

Denali Capital Acquisition Corp. SPAC listing – closed on 11 April 2022

Denali Capital Acquisition Corp. SPAC 项目——2022 411日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Denali Capital Acquisition Corp. (the "Issuer") in relation to its initial public offering of 8,250,000 units (including 750,000 units issued upon a partial exercise by the underwriters of the over-allotment option) and its listing on the Nasdaq Global Market. The Issuer is a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) formed for the purpose of pursuing business combination targets, which focuses on companies in the technology, hospitality and consumer services sector. The offering, which closed on 11 April 2022, raised approximately US$82.5 million. The Maples team comprised partner Juno Huang and legal manager Charmaine Chow. Sidley Austin LLP acted as US counsel to the Issuer and Winston & Strawn LLP acted as US counsel to the underwriters.

为Denali Capital Acquisition Corp.(简称"发行人")就其首次公开招股发行8,250,000个单位(包括包销商行使部分超额配售选择权后的已发行的750,000个单位)及于纳斯达克全球市场上市项目担任开曼群岛法律顾问。发行人是一家特殊目的收购公司,目标为专注于在科技、酒店和消费服务领域的公司。此项目已于2022年4月11日完成,集资约8,250万美元。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Juno Huang黄子容,以及法务经理Charmaine Chow周恩咏。盛德律师事务所担任发行人的美国法律顾问。温斯顿律师事务所担任包销商的美国法律顾问。

Merger & Acquisitions / Take-private


US$4.6 billion Take-private of 51job.,Inc. – closed on 6 May 2022

51job, Inc.43亿美元私有化项目 ——20225 6日完成

View the full release online: Maples Advises on US$4.3 Billion Take-Private of 51job, Inc.



Advised 51job, Inc. ("51job"), a leading provider of integrated human resource services in China, in relation to its take-private transaction. The transaction completed on 6 May 2022 at an implied equity value of US$4.3 billion making it as one of the largest take-private transactions for a US-listed Chinese business so far this year.

The take-private transaction was completed as a Cayman Islands statutory merger, under which the existing shareholders of 51job had their shares cancelled in exchange for merger consideration of US$61.00 per share. As a result of the merger, 51job has become a privately held company and de-listed from NASDAQ Global Select Market. The investor consortium included DCP Capital Partners II, L.P., Ocean Link Partners Limited and Mr. Rick Yan, the Chief Executive Officer of 51job. Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd., the largest shareholder of 51job, also participated in the transaction with the investor consortium.

A team of corporate lawyers based in the firm's Hong Kong office acted as Cayman Islands counsel to 51job and was led by Corporate Partner, Richard Spooner with assistance from Corporate Associate, Vivian Lee.

Maples 集团旗下律师事务所——迈普达律师事务所欣然为中国领先的综合人力资源服务提供商51job, Inc.(简称"前程无忧")的私有化项目提供法律咨询服务。该私有化项目已于2022年5月6日完成,其隐含股权价值为43亿美元,是2022年在美国上市的中国企业最大宗的私有化项目之一。

该私有化项目通过开曼群岛法定合并的方式完成,"前程无忧"现有股东的股份被注销,以换取每股61美元的法定合并代价。合并后,"前程无忧"成为私人公司,并从纳斯达克全球精选市场(NASDAQ Global Select Market)退市。投资者财团由DCP Capital Partners II, L.P.(简称"德弘资本")、Ocean Link Partners Limited(简称"鸥翎投资")和"前程无忧"的首席执行官甄荣辉先生组成。"前程无忧"最大股东Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. 也与投资者财团参与了该私有化项目。

Maples集团旗下设于香港的律师事务所的企业事务团队担任"前程无忧"的开曼群岛法律顾问,负责此项目的团队由合伙人Richard Spooner潘利程领衔,由律师Vivian Lee 李海宁提供协助。

Bain Capital Private Equity – Acquisition of VXI Global Solutions – May 2022

贝恩资本收购 VXI Global Solutions 项目—— 20225月完成

View the full release online: Maples Advises Bain Capital on Acquisition of VXI Global



Advised Bain Capital Private Equity ("Bain Capital") on its acquisition of VXI Global Solutions ("VXI") from Carlyle Group Inc. and the financing of the acquisition. VXI provides multinational companies with business process outsourcing ("BPO") and information technology services and is considered as one of the biggest foreign BPO providers in China.

A team of corporate lawyers based in the firm's Hong Kong office acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Bain Capital and was led by Corporate Partner, Karen Zhang Pallaras and assisted by Legal Manager, Janelle Ho.

Maples 集团旗下律师事务所——迈普达律师事务所欣然为Bain Capital Private Equity(简称"贝恩资本")就其向Carlyle Group Inc.(简称"凯雷")收购VXI Global Solutions(简称"VXI")及该收购融资事宜提供法律咨询服务。VXI为跨国公司提供业务流程外包和信息科技服务,被认为是中国最大型的外国业务流程外包提供商之一。

Maples集团旗下设于香港的律师事务所的企业事务团队担任贝恩资本的开曼群岛法律顾问,由企业事务团队合伙人Karen Zhang Pallaras张那领衔,由法务经理Janelle Ho 何善瑜提供协助。

Take-private of Ginko International Co., Ltd – closed on 29 April 2022

Ginko International Co., Ltd.(简称"金可")私有化项目提供法律咨询服务

View the full release online: Maples Advises on One of the Largest Taiwan Company Privatisations



Advised Ginko International Co., Ltd. ("Ginko") and the special committee of the board of directors of Ginko, on its take-private by a buyer consortium comprising of Baring Private Equity Asia, New Path International Co., Ltd. and Hydron International Co., Ltd. and the financing of the take-private. Completed on 29 April 2022, the transaction is valued at US$976.43 million and is considered one of the largest privatisation of a listed company in the Taiwan consumer market.

A team of corporate lawyers based in the firm's Hong Kong office acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Ginko and was led by Corporate Partners Richard Spooner and Juno Huang with assistance from Corporate Associate Vivian Lee and Corporate Legal Manager Janelle Ho.

C&A Law Firm and Kirkland & Ellis acted as legal advisers to Ginko and the special committee. Baker & McKenzie LLP acted as legal advisers to Hydron International Co., Ltd. and New Path International Co., Ltd. Lee and Li, Attorneys-at-Law acted as legal advisers to Baring Private Equity Asia.

Maples 集团旗下律师事务所——迈普达律师事务所很荣幸为Ginko International Co., Ltd.(简称"金可")及金可董事会特别委员会就买方财团进行的私有化项目和该私有化项目融资事宜提供法律咨询服务。买方财团由Baring Private Equity Asia(简称"霸菱亚洲投资")、New Path International Co., Ltd.及Hydron International Co., Ltd. 组成。该项目于2022年4月29日完成,价值9.7643亿美元,被认为是台湾消费市场上最大宗的上市公司私有化项目之一。

Maples集团旗下设于香港的律师事务所的企业事务团队担任金可的开曼群岛法律顾问,由合伙人Richard Spooner 潘利程及合伙人Juno Huang 黄子容领衔,由律师Vivian Lee李海宁及法务经理Janelle Ho 何善瑜提供协助。

安博法律事务所和凯易律师事务所担任金可和特别委员会的法律顾问。贝克"麦坚时律师事务所担任Hydron International Co., Ltd.和New Path International Co., Ltd.的法律顾问。理律法律事务所担任霸菱亚洲投资的法律顾问。

SPAC Business Combinations


Poema Global Holdings Corp. and Gogoro Inc. (De-SPAC) – closed on 4 April 2022

Poema Global Holdings Corp. Gogoro Inc.De-SPAC )──于20224 4日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Poema Global Holdings Corp. ("Poema"), a Cayman Islands special purpose acquisition company formed by Poema Global Partners LLC and listed on Nasdaq, in connection with its business combination with Gogoro Inc. ("Gogoro"), based in Taiwan. Gogoro is an innovation company with a mission to accelerate the shift to sustainable urban life by eliminating the barriers to electric fuel adoption to bring smart and swappable electric power within reach of every urban rider in the world.The business combination was effected by means of Cayman Islands statutory mergers, pursuant to which Poema merged with and into Starship Merger Sub I Limited (the "First Merger") with Poema surviving the First Merger as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gogoro, and immediately following the First Merger, Poema as the surviving entity from the First Merger merged with and into Starship Merger Sub II Limited (the "Second Merger") with Starship Merger Sub II Limited surviving the Second Merger as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gogoro. Upon consummation of the business combination, Gogoro commenced trading on the Nasdaq Global Select Market. The transaction valued Gogoro at approximately US$2.35 billion, with Gogoro receiving approximately US$550 million gross proceeds, including an oversubscribed PIPE (private investment in public equity) of over US$250 million and US$345 million held in trust by Poema.Investors in the PIPE include strategic partners like Hon Hai (Foxconn) Technology Group and GoTo, the Indonesian tech giant created through the merger of Gojek and Tokopedia, and new and existing investors like Generation Investment Management, Taiwan's National Development Fund, Temasek and Dr. Samuel Yin of Ruentex Group, Gogoro's founding investor. Goldman Sachs (Asia) L.L.C. acted as financial advisor to Gogoro, whilst Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C. acted as legal advisors to Gogoro. Citibank and UBS acted as placement agents in connection with the PIPE financing. Kirkland & Ellis International LLP acted as legal advisors to Poema. The Maples team comprised Corporate Partner, Matt Roberts and Corporate Associate, Katherine Ng.

迈普达律师事务所为 Poema Global Holdings Corp.(简称"Poema")就其与业务位于台湾的Gogoro Inc.(简称"睿能")的业务合并(简称" 业务合并")担任开曼群岛法律顾问。Poema 是一家由Poema Global Partners LLC成立的开曼群岛特殊目的收购公司,于纳斯达克上市。睿能是一家创新公司,其宗旨是通过摒除采用电动燃料的障碍,加快实现可持续的城市生活,使世界上每位城市驾驶者都能获得智能且可更换的电力。此次业务合并是通过开曼群岛法定合并的方式实现的。根据该合并,Poema 与 Starship Merger Sub I Limited 合并(简称"第一次合并")。Poema 在第一次合并中存续为睿能的全资子公司。紧接着第一次合并,Poema 作为第一次合并后存续的实体,与Starship Merger Sub II Limited 合并(简称"第二次合并")。Starship Merger Sub II Limited 在第二次合并中存续为睿能的全资子公司。业务合并完成后,睿能于纳斯达克全球精选市场开始交易。通过此次交易,睿能的估值约为23.5亿美元。睿能获得约5.5亿美元的所得款项总额,包括超过2.5亿美元的超额认购的上市股权私募投资及由Poema 受托持有的3.45亿美元。上市股权私募投资的投资者包括鸿海(富士康)科技集团和GoTo(由Gojek与Tokopedia合并后成立的印度尼西亚科技巨头)等战略合作伙伴,以及Generation Investment Management、台湾发展基金、淡马锡,以及睿能创始投资者润泰集团全球服务网的尹衍梁博士等新的投资者和现有投资者。高盛(亚洲)担任睿能的财务顾问。威尔逊律师事务所担任睿能的法律顾问。花旗银行和瑞银就上市股权私募投资融资担任配售代理。凯易国际律师事务所担任Poema的法律顾问。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Matt Roberts马伯茨,以及律师Katherine Ng 吴家韵

Debt Securities


Datang Group Holdings Limited – closed on 1 June 2022

大唐集團控股有限公司 ——20226 1日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to Datang Group Holdings Limited (the "Issuer") and British Virgin Islands counsel to Dynasty Management International Limited as subsidiary guarantor in connection with the Issuer's offer relating to 12.50% senior notes due 2022 to exchange for a minimum acceptance amount of the outstanding principal amount of the existing 12.5% senior notes due 2022 for US$283,950,000 12.50% senior notes due 2023. The Issuer's group is a property developer in China focusing on the development of residential and commercial properties in China. The Maples team comprised partner Juno Huang and legal manager Melody Ching. The Issuer was also advised by Sidley Austin as to U.S. law and Hong Kong law, and by Jingtian & Gongcheng as to PRC law. The dealer manager was advised by Linklaters as to U.S. law, and by JunHe LLP as to PRC law.

就大唐集团控股有限公司(简称"发行人")关于其于2022年到期的12.5%优先票据的交换要约(简称"该交换要约")担任发行人的开曼群岛法律顾问,以及大唐管理国际有限公司(作为"子公司担保人")的英属维尔京群岛法律顾问。根据该交换要约,发行人以其现有于2022年到期的12.5 % 优先票据的未偿还本金额的最低接纳金额,交换为于2023年到期本金总额为283,950,000的12.50% 优先票据。发行人集团是于中国的房地产开发商,专注于在中国开发住宅和商业物业。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Juno Huang黄子容,以及法务经理Melody Ching 程名之。盛德律师事务所担任发行人的美国及香港法律顾问。竞天公诚律师事务所担任发行人的中国内地法律顾问。年利达律师事务所担任交易商经办人的美国法律顾问。君合律师事务所担任交易商经办人的中国内地法律顾问。

The Hongkong Land Notes Company Limited and The Hongkong Land Finance (Cayman Islands) Company Limited – update of MTN programme closed on 30 May 2022

The Hongkong Land Notes Company Limited The Hongkong Land Finance (Cayman Islands) Company Limited ──20225 30日完成更新中期票据计划

Acted as British Virgin Islands and Cayman Islands legal counsel to The Hongkong Land Notes Company Limited and The Hongkong Land Finance (Cayman Islands) Company Limited in connection with the update of their US$7,000,000,000 guaranteed medium term note programme guaranteed by The Hongkong Land Company, Limited. The Maples team comprised of partner Lorraine Pao and associate Alicia Phang. Linklaters acted as legal advisor to the issuers as to English law, HK law and US law. Clifford Chance acted as legal advisor to the dealers as to English law, HK law and US law.

为The Hongkong Land Notes Company Limited及The Hongkong Land Finance (Cayman Islands) Company Limited(简称"该等发行人")就其更新70亿美元的有担保中期票据计划(简称"该计划")担任英属维尔京群岛及开曼群岛法律顾问。该计划由The Hongkong Land Company, Limited提供担保。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁,以及律师Alicia Phang彭凌珊。年利达律师事务所担任该等发行人的英国法律顾问、香港法律顾问及美国法律顾问。高伟绅律师事务所担任交易商的英国法律顾问、香港法律顾问及美国法律顾问。

Soar Wise Limited – update of MTN programme closed on 16 May 2022 and drawdown of notes closed on 24 May 2022

Soar Wise Limited ──20225 16日完成更新中期票据计划,及于 20225 24日完成提取票据

Acted as Cayman Islands legal counsel to Soar Wise Limited (the "Issuer") in connection with the update of its US$3,500,000,000 guaranteed medium term note and perpetual capital securities programme (the "Programme") guaranteed by AVIC International Leasing Co., Ltd., and issuance of US$450,000,000 4.05% guaranteed notes due 2025 (the "Notes") under the Programme. The Notes are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by way of debt issues to professional investors. The Maples team comprised of partner Lorraine Pao and associate Alicia Phang. Deacons and Dentons acted as legal advisors to the Issuer as to English law and PRC law, respectively. Linklaters and King & Wood Mallesons acted as legal advisors to the dealers as to English law and PRC law, respectively.

为Soar Wise Limited(简称"发行人")就其更新35亿美元的有担保中期票据及永续资本证券计划(简称"该计划")及在该计划下发行于2025年到期总额为4.5亿美元的4.05% 有担保票据(简称"本次票据")担任开曼群岛法律顾问。该计划由中航国际租赁有限公司提供担保。本次票据以向专业投资者发行债务证券的方式于香港交易所上市。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁,以及律师Alicia Phang彭凌珊。的近律师行担任发行人的英国法律顾问。大成律师事务所担任发行人的中国内地法律顾问。年利达律师事务所担任交易商的英国法律顾问。金杜律师事务所担任交易商的中国内地法律顾问。

AYC Finance Limited – tender offer closed on 10 May 2022

AYC Finance Limited──于20225 10日完成购买要约

Acted as Cayman Islands legal counsel to AYC Finance Limited in respect of its offer to purchase for cash of its outstanding US$300,000,000 5.125% undated notes guaranteed by Ayala Corporation. The Maples team is led by partner Lorraine Pao. Milbank acted as English law counsel to BPI Capital Corporation and Credit Suisse (Singapore) as deal managers.

为AYC Finance Limited就其未偿还的总额为3亿美元的5.125% 无日期票据(简称"该票据")作出的现金购买要约担任开曼群岛法律顾问。该票据由Ayala Corporation 提供担保。Maples负责此次项目的团队由合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁领衔。美邦律师事务所担任交易经办人BPI Capital Corporation及Credit Suisse (Singapore)的英国法律顾问。

ENN Energy Holdings Limited – note issuance closed on 17 May 2022

新奥能源控股有限公司── 2022 517日完成发行票据

Acted as Cayman Islands legal counsel to ENN Energy Holdings Limited (the "Issuer") in connection with its issuance of US$550,000,000 4.625% green senior notes due 2027 (the "Notes"). The Issuer is one of the largest privately-owned clean energy distributor and integrated energy solutions provider in China. The Notes are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by way of debt issues to professional investors. The Maples team comprised of partner Lorraine Paoand associate Irena Wu. Sullivan & Cromwell (Hong Kong) LLP and Commerce & Finance Law Offices acted as legal advisors to the Issuer as to HK and US law and PRC law, respectively. Davis Polk & Wardwell and King & Wood Mallesons acted as legal advisors to the initial purchasers as to US law and PRC law, respectively.

为新奥能源控股有限公司(简称"发行人")就其发行于2027年到期总额为5.5亿美元的4.625% 绿色优先票据(简称"本次票据")担任开曼群岛法律顾问。发行人是中国最大型的民营清洁能源分销商和综合能源解决方案提供商之一。本次债券以向专业投资者发行债务证券的方式于香港交易所上市。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁,以及律师Irena Wu 吴顺秀。苏利文‧克伦威尔律师事务所(香港)有限法律责任合伙担任发行人的香港及美国法律顾问。通商律师事务所担任发行人的中国内地法律顾问。达维律师事务所担任初始买方的美国法律顾问。金杜律师事务所担任初始买方的中国内地法律顾问。

China Great Wall International Holdings VI Limited – closed on 28 April 2022

China Great Wall International Holdings VI Limited ── 2022 428日完成

Acted as British Virgin Islands legal counsel to China Great Wall International Holdings VI Limited (the "Issuer") in respect of its issue of US$500,000,000 4.25 per cent. guaranteed bonds due 2025 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds are guaranteed by China Great Wall AMC (International) Holdings Company Limited (the "Guarantor") and listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Guarantor is a direct wholly-owned subsidiary of China Great Wall Asset Management Co., Ltd, being one of the four leading asset management companies and a leading provider of comprehensive financial services and innovative products in the PRC. The Maples team comprised partner Karen Zhang Pallaras and legal manager Charmaine Chow. The Issuer was advised by Clifford Chance as to English law, and by King & Wood Mallesons as to PRC law. The joint lead managers were advised by Allen & Overy as to English law, and by JunHe LLP as to PRC law.

为China Great Wall International Holdings VI Limited(简称"发行人")就其发行于2025年到期总额为5亿美元的4.25% 有担保债券(简称"本次债券")担任英属维尔京群岛法律顾问。本次债券由中国长城资产(国际)控股有限公司(简称"担保人")提供担保,并于香港交易所上市。担保人是中国长城资产管理股份有限公司的直接全资子公司,而中国长城资产管理股份有限公司是中国四大资产管理公司之一,也是中国领先的综合金融服务及创新产品提供商。Maples负责此次项目的团队成员包括合伙人Karen Zhang Pallaras张那,以及法务经理Charmaine Chow周恩咏。高伟绅律师事务所担任发行人的英国法律顾问。金杜律师事务所担任发行人的中国法律顾问。安理国际律师事务所担任联席牵头经办人的英国法律顾问。君合律师事务所担任联席牵头经办人的中国法律顾问。

Sino-Ocean Land Treasure IV Limited (Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited) – closed on 26 April

远洋地产宝财 IV有限公司(远洋集团控股有限公司)──于 20224 26日完成

Acted as British Virgin Islands legal counsel to Sino-Ocean Land Treasure IV Limited (a subsidiary of Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited) in respect of its issuance of US$200,000,000 3.80 per cent. credit enhanced green notes due 2025 (the "Notes") guaranteed by Sino-Ocean Group Holding Limited. The Notes are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by way of debt issues to professional investors. The Maples team is led by partner Lorraine Pao. Paul Hastings acted as the English law and Hong Kong law counsel and Kejie Associates acted as the PRC law counsel to the Issuer. Linklaters acted as the English law counsel and King & Wood Mallesons acted as the PRC law counsel to the joint lead managers HSBC, China Zheshang Bank, China Minsheng Banking and ABCI Capital, respectively.

为远洋地产宝财IV有限公司(为远洋集团控股有限公司的子公司)(简称"发行人")就其于2025年到期总额为2亿美元3.80% 增信绿色票据(简称"本次票据")的发行担任英属维尔京群岛法律顾问。本次票据由远洋集团控股有限公司提供担保,并以向专业投资者发行债务证券的方式于香港交易所上市。Maples负责此次项目的团队由合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁领衔。普衡律师事务所担任发行人的英国及香港法律顾问。柯杰律师事务所担任发行人的中国内地法律顾问。年利达律师事务所担任联席牵头经办人(汇丰银行、中国浙商银行、中国民生银行及农银国际)的英国法律顾问。金杜律师事务所担任上述联席牵头经办人的中国内地法律顾问。

Towngas Smart Energy Company Limited – closed on 26 April

港华智慧能源有限公司──于 20224 26日完成

Acted as Cayman Islands legal counsel to Towngas Smart Energy Company Limited (the "Guarantor") in respect of the issue of US$200,000,000 guaranteed sustainability linked bonds due 2027 by TCCL (Finance) Limited (the "Issuer") under its US$2,000,000,000 medium term note programme (the "Notes") guaranteed by the Guarantor. The Notes are listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited by way of debt issues to professional investors. The Maples team is led by partner Lorraine Pao. Linklaters acted as the Hong Kong law counsels and Kejie Associates acted as the PRC law counsel to the Issuer. Linklaters acted as the Hong Kong law counsel to the Issuer and Guarantor. Allen & Overy acted as the English law counsel and Commerce & Finance Law Offices acted as the PRC law counsel to the dealers, respectively.

为港华智慧能源有限公司(简称"担保人")就TCCL (Finance) Limited(简称"发行人")在其20亿美元的中期票据计划下发行于2027年到期总额为2亿美元的有担保可持续挂钩债券(简称"本次票据")担任开曼群岛法律顾问。本次票据由担保人提供担保,并以向专业投资者发行债务证券的方式于香港交易所上市。Maples负责此次项目的团队由合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁领衔。年利达律师事务所担任发行人的香港法律顾问。柯杰律师事务所担任发行人的中国内地法律顾问。年利达律师事务所担任发行人和担保人的香港法律顾问。安理国际律师事务所担任交易商的英国法律顾问。通商律师事务所担任交易商的中国内地法律顾问。

CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. – tender offer closed on 14 April

旭辉控股(集团)有限公司──于 20224 14日完成购买要约

Acted as Cayman Islands legal counsel to CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. (the "Issuer") in respect of its offer to purchase for cash of its outstanding RMB1,600,000,000 6.70% senior notes due 2022 issued on 23 July 2019. The Maples team is led by partner Lorraine Pao. Sidley Austin acted as the US law and Hong Kong law counsel to the Issuer. Davis Polk & Wardwell acted as the US and Hong Kong law counsel to HSBC as dealer manager.

为旭辉控股(集团)有限公司(简称"发行人")就其提出以现金购买其于2019年7月23日发行且尚未赎回的于2022年到期总额为人民币16亿元的6.70% 优先票据(简称"本次票据")担任开曼群岛法律顾问。Maples负责此次项目的团队由合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁领衔。盛德律师事务所担任发行人的美国及香港法律顾问。达维律师事务所担任交易商经办人汇丰银行的美国及香港法律顾问。

CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. – convertible bond issuance closed on 8 April and 20 April

旭辉控股(集团)有限公司──于 20224 8日及420日完成可换股债券的发行

Acted as Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands legal counsel to CIFI Holdings (Group) Co. Ltd. (the "Issuer") and its BVI subsidiary in respect of its issuance of HK$1,957,000,000 6.95% guaranteed convertible bonds due 2025 on 8 April 2022 and tab issuance of HK$588,000,000 6.95% guaranteed convertible bonds due 2025 on 20 April 2022 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds are convertible into fully paid ordinary shares of the Issuer and listed on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited. The Maples team is led by partner Lorraine Pao. Sidley Austin acted as the English law and Hong Kong law counsel and Commerce & Finance Law Offices acted as the PRC law counsel to the Issuer. Davis Polk & Wardwell acted as the English and Hong Kong law counsel and Jingtian & Gongcheng acted as the PRC law counsel to the joint lead managers Credit Suisse and HSBC, respectively.

为旭辉控股(集团)有限公司(简称"发行人")和其英属维尔京群岛子公司就其于2022年4月8日发行于2025年到期总额为1,957,000,000港元的6.95% 有担保可换股债券及于2022年4月20日随卖发行于2025年到期总额为588,000,000港元的6.95% 有担保可换股债券(简称"该等债券")担任开曼群岛及英属维尔京群岛法律顾问。该等债券可转换为发行人已缴足股款的普通股,并于新加坡交易所上市。Maples负责此次项目的团队由合伙人Lorraine Pao鲍咏璁领衔。盛德律师事务所担任发行人的英国及香港法律顾问。通商律师事务所担任发行人的中国内地法律顾问。达维律师事务所担任联席牵头经办人瑞士信贷及汇丰银行的美国及香港法律顾问。竞天公诚律师事务所担任上述联席牵头经办人的中国内地法律顾问。



First royalty-backed financing in China's biopharmaceutical industry – closed in April 2022

就中国生物制药行业首次以特许权使用费支持的融资项目提供法律咨询服务 ── 2022 4完成

View the full release online: Maples Advises on First Royalty-Backed Financing in China's Biopharmaceutical Industry



Acted as Cayman Islands counsel to R-Bridge Healthcare Fund, a private fund of healthcare-focused firm CBC Group ("CBC") on a US$40 million royalty-backed financing for Yisheng Biopharma Co., Ltd., a China-based biopharmaceutical company. The team was led by Asia Finance Partner, James Kinsley. CBC was advised by Sidley Austin LLP and Yisheng Biopharma was advised by Clifford Chance.

Maples 集团旗下律师事务所——迈普达律师事务所欣然就Yisheng Biopharma Co., Ltd.(简称"依生生物制药")的4,000万美元以特许权使用费支持的融资项目担任CBC Group康桥资本(一家专注于医疗健康领域的企业,简称"康桥资本")旗下的私募基金R-Bridge Healthcare Fund的开曼群岛法律顾问。该团队由亚洲区融资事务合伙人James Kinsley领衔。盛德律师事务所(Sidley Austin LLP)担任康桥资本的法律顾问。高伟绅律师行(Clifford Chance)担任依生生物制药的法律顾问。

23 June 2022

Maples Group Deals Announcement - Hong Kong And Singapore - June 2022

Hong Kong


The Maples Group is a leading service provider offering clients a comprehensive range of legal services on the laws of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Ireland, Jersey and Luxembourg, and is an independent provider of fiduciary, fund services, regulatory and compliance, and entity formation and management services.

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