In March, members of our Cadwalader family – from partners to administrative staff – once again demonstrated strong support for the Covenant House fundraising campaign led by members of our Women's Leadership Initiative. With generous donations across the Firm totaling more than $24,000 and messages of support to Cadwalader's Sleep Out team members Katherine Anderson, Lauren Russo and Kayshree Seshadri, we were able to make a difference in providing support for our young homeless community.

Over 50 Sleep Out participants gathered at the Javits Center in New York to discuss issues affecting our homeless youth, including mental health and wellness, anti-trafficking and advocacy, and to participate in two Covenant House 101 sessions. They also met with staff and residents, as well as invited alumni, of Covenant House before heading outdoors to spend the night on the pavement in solidarity with our homeless youth.

This was Cadwalader's eighth year participating in the Covenant House Sleep Out.
