27 October 2022

The Disclosures Of Environmental Practices

Andersen in Egypt


Andersen in Egypt is offering comprehensive and varied legal and tax services to companies and individuals, in addition to financial advisory services licensed by the Egyptian Financial Regulatory Authority (License No. 47), through our team of 9 partners and more than 70 of the top lawyers and consultants.
With regards to the achievement of a the 2050 sustainable and constructive change climate strategy in Egypt, especially after the Financial Regulatory Authority's success in the first issuance of green bonds...
Egypt Environment


With regards to the achievement of a the 2050 sustainable and constructive change climate strategy in Egypt, especially after the Financial Regulatory Authority's success in the first issuance of green bonds in the Egyptian capital market worth $ 100 million for the interest of one of the listed companies in the Egyptian Stock Exchange, as it's proceeds have been directed to finance environmental projects in order to use clean energies and mitigate the factors leading to the rise in temperature; mainly after the society's increased awareness of the danger of climate change as a whole after the irreversibility of the environmental damages.

And in light of the Egyptian capital market being at the forefront of the scene of enacting laws and standards for disclosures of the financial impact of climate change, right after the European Union; hence, it was crucial to address the management of climate risks facing businesses and government agencies.

Pursuant to this, the Financial Regulatory Authority issued Resolution No. (107, 108) of 2021 regarding the regulations of disclosing environmental, social, and governance practices related to sustainability and the financial effects of climate change by companies operating in the non-banking financial activities and listed companies in the Egyptian Stock Exchange.

According to these two resolutions, Companies of non-banking financial activities whose issued capital or net ownership equity is not less than 100 million pounds and the listed companies listed in the Egyptian Stock Exchange whose issued capital or net equity is not less than EGP 500 million are required by fulfilling disclosures related to the financial effects of climate change in its annual report prepared by the Board of Directors and attached to the annual financial statements.

The above-mentioned disclosures include, but are not limited to; the percentage of carbon emission, waste management, and recycling in the environmental aspect, the diversity between both sexes and their percentage in the workplace, wage ratio, the compliance with criminalizing sexual harassment, non-discrimination, criminalization of child and forced labor policies and the compliance with labor law regulations regarding employees' rights in the social aspect; as well as disclosing anti-bribery decisions and complying with the rules of the Personal Data Protection and Consumer Protection Law in the part of corporate governance.

Moreover, each individual decision gives the companies in question a grace period to comply with the performance indicator standards for those disclosures by complying with the performance measurement indicators of the standards of environmental, social, and corporate governance practices and climate-related financial disclosure, until the end of 2022.

To conclude, this article aims to highlight the state's endeavor to build bridges, not barriers by adopting sustainability and climate change disclosure reports, which will reveal the extent of the sustainability of these institutions, hence, confidence will be generated among investors from making informed investment decisions by identifying risks and opportunities which hasn't been monitored by traditional financial reports.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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