Guernsey has been providing specialist financial services expertise for 100 years, specifically in insurance, investment funds, private wealth, pensions and, more recently, sustainable finance.
The webinar will focus on why Guernsey is the jurisdiction of choice in these sectors and in our chosen markets, representing stability, security and substance.
800 years of constitutional independence has set us apart from our competitors in a world where it is increasingly hard to stand out from the crowd. We have developed positions of leadership in niche financial services through excellence and innovation. The depth and breadth of expertise present in the island naturally creates an economically substantial financial services sector.
This webinar will introduce you to spokespeople from groups representing the insurance, investment funds, private wealth and pensions industries in Guernsey. They will discuss why, even in difficult times, Guernsey has bucked the trend and continued to attract new business proving that our mantra of safety, stability and security is recognised far beyond our shores.