"Why are my matters so complex? Have you seen the movie The Big Short?"
With more companies facing complex challenges in the ESG, cybersecurity, and cryptocurrency spaces, how do you and your company stay on the right side of regulators?
In the latest in our "Spotlight: White Collar" series, partner Kathleen Reilly discusses what companies should be watching out for in these areas, and what the SEC is looking out for in this ever-changing regulatory environment.
In our "Spotlight: White Collar" series, our white collar attorneys will talk through a broad range of subject matter expertise--from financial regulation to cryptocurrency, government contracts to national security, and life sciences to environmental law. You'll hear about experiences at every stage of the legal process—internal and external investigations, trials, dawn raids, compliance programs, regulatory access, and everything that comes up along the way.
» Watch the rest of the "Spotlight: White Collar" series here.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.