Important Reminders: All Issuers
NYSE Timely Alert/Material News Policy
- Required to promptly release to the public any news that might
reasonably be expected to materially affect the market for their
securities. Comply by disseminating news via a press release or any
other Regulation FD-compliant method.
- Contact the Exchange's Market Watch Group 10 minutes before
dissemination of material news when planning to disseminate between
7:00 a.m. ET and 4:00 p.m. ET or promptly upon becoming aware of a
material event having occurred. Provide a copy of the material
announcement and information about its dissemination.
- Not required to call the Exchange outside the hours of 7:00
a.m. ET and 4:00 p.m. ET but should provide a copy of the news once
it is disclosed.
Publishing Material News After the Close
- Prohibited from publishing material news after the official
closing time for the Exchange's trading session until the
earlier of 4:05 p.m. ET or the publication of the official closing
Changes to the Date of a Listed Company's Earnings
- Promptly and broadly disseminate any date change to the market
Annual Meeting Requirement
- Required to have an annual shareholders' meeting during
each fiscal year. This applies to all issuers with voting stock, as
well as those with non-voting stock if required under their
governing documents. If a meeting is postponed or adjourned, the
company has not complied.
- FPIs can follow their home-country practice in lieu of
complying with the foregoing requirement if their home
countries' laws differ.
Record Date Notification
- Required to notify the Exchange at least 10 calendar days in
advance of all record dates. Provide another advance notice of at
least 10 calendar days if record date changes. Publication by press
release or SEC filing does not constitute notice.
Share Reporting
- Required to report shares no later than the 10th day following
the end of each calendar quarter.
Corporate Action Notifications
- Required advance notice to the Exchange and public
dissemination via a press release or another Regulation
FD-compliant method for any corporate action affecting a listed
security. Such announcement should be issued at least 10 calendar
days in advance.
- Required to provide notice of redemption or conversion of a
listed security at least 15 calendar days in advance.
DRS Eligibility
- Required that all listed securities be made eligible for a
direct registration system (DRS) operated by a securities
Requirements for Annual Reports
- If required to file with the SEC an annual report that includes
audited financial statements, then must simultaneously make such
annual report available to shareholders on or through the
company's website.
- If not required to comply with the SEC proxy rules, then must
post notice on the company's website to provide all holders the
ability to receive a copy of the complete audited financial
statements. Required to also issue a press release.
Annual and Interim Written Affirmations of Compliance
with Exchange Corporate Governance Requirements
- Required to file an Annual Written Affirmation (AWA) each
calendar year.
- For domestic companies, the AWA is due no later than 30 days
after the company's annual shareholders' meeting or, if no
annual meeting is held, 30 days after the company's annual
report is filed with the SEC. Required to also submit an Annual CEO
Certification, incorporated in the AWA.
- FPIs are required to file an AWA 30 calendar days after the
company's annual report is filed with the SEC.
- Required to file an Interim Written Affirmation (IWA) within
five business days after any triggering event. Domestic companies
are not required to submit an IWA for changes that occur within 30
days after the annual meeting if they are already included in the
Change in Executive Officers
- Prompt notice required if change in executive officers.
Transactions Requiring Supplemental Listing
- Required to file a Supplemental Listing Application to seek
authorization for a variety of corporate events.
Related-Party Transactions
- A company's audit committee, or another independent body of
the board of directors, must conduct a reasonable prior review and
oversight of all related-party transactions for potential conflicts
of interest and prohibit such a transaction if it determines it to
be inconsistent with the interests of the company and its