Probably in the first weeks of 2021, the General Finance Directorate will launch the MY TAXES project, the so-called "online tax office", on the basis of an amendment to the Tax Code. The online tax office should bring simplification, acceleration and greater comfort of electronic communication with tax authorities, without the physical presence of taxpayers in the buildings of the tax administrators. Through a special portal, it will be possible not only to file tax returns. The taxpayer will be able to obtain a personal tax calendar, monitor their upcoming tax obligations and control the fulfillment of existing ones. Tax forms should be offered pre-filled and with a logical link to the electronic submission and payment of the tax, for example by means of a QR code.
The new, clear and intuitive interface should replace the existing tax information box, which should still be in operation for another year or so.
Through this project, it should be possible to gradually obtain information from the taxpayer's file. Furthermore, simple informal communication with the tax administrator should be allowed.
Logging in to this interface should be easy and electronic verification of identity should take place via an electronic ID card with a chip, in the form of MojeID. Login will also be possible via a data box, via the Citizen's Portal, authorized data from Czech-POINT or via login data issued at the tax office. The registration will also include a new Sonia banking identity project (so-called BankID). Banking identity has the potential to offer easy electronic login to millions of Internet banking clients during 2021.
Within the online tax office, it will simple to entrust electronically with the administration of your tax obligations, for example, your tax advisor or anyone else.
Paper declarations will definitely not disappear completely. Citizens who will continue to prefer paper filing, either in person or by post, will retain this option (unless the law requires them to file returns electronically only in the case of a legally established data box).
Whether this form of digitalization of tax administration will be successful will only be seen in time. It will certainly be necessary that the portal should offer to be more varied and easy to work with. Let's hope that this will not be just a new form of the existing tax box, which has put on another coat.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.