This webinar is now available on-demand. Click here to access the recording.

With the increasing connectedness of all areas of technology, from autonomous vehicles to "smart" climate control devices, standards to ensure interoperability and interconnectivity are becoming part of the technological landscape in more and more fields. The potential reward for innovative companies whose patented technology is included in a standard is a reliable and growing source of licence revenue from all users. Therefore it is little wonder that SEPs and FRAND licensing are attracting a lot attention in the IP world and have led to some very high-profile disputes. Whilst the vast majority of SEPs are never litigated, the outcomes of these disputes illustrate that strategic decisions taken early in the life of these patent applications can impact on the revenue obtainable.

This webinar will look at how the decisions of the UK courts on SEPs and FRAND licensing can guide drafting, filing and prosecution strategies of applications that may become SEPs. In particular we will look at strategies to maximise the patent coverage and licence revenue for inventions that may form part of a future standard and how these strategies interact with the requirements of European drafting, filing and prosecution practice such as double patenting and validation choices.

This is a technical webinar aimed at attorneys and in-house counsel involved in the drafting, filing and prosecution of applications relating to inventions that may be included in standards. It will not cover detailed considerations for licensing and litigation of SEPs, except in so far as the current body of case law from this can guide the strategies for future applications.