The National Bank of Angola (central bank and issuer, involved in the definition of Angolan monetary, financial and foreign exchange policies) are exempt from licensing, importing capital from foreign investors allocated to the private sector and exporting income associated with such investments.
The measure, which aims to improve the capture of foreign investment, is in line with the already announced privatization program for public companies announced through Presidential Decree No. 250/19 of August 5 (PROPRIV) and is presented as one of the facilitating instruments for its implementation.
In addition to the aforementioned operations, BNA is also exempt from licensing, the export of capital resulting from the sale of investments in securities traded on a regulated market and the sale of any investment, in which the buyer is also not - foreign exchange resident, pursuant to Notice No. 15/2019.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.