L&E Global is spanning the globe and our member firms are ideally situated to provide clients with pragmatic, commercial advice necessary to achieve their objectives, wherever they operate. L&E Global’s members work closely with corporate, legal, human resources departments and corporate executives across a variety of sectors and industries to address the strategic and tactical issues that arise in the workplace
In his claim, the employee sued the company
‘Diconfor' when it was really spelled
‘Diconfo' – that is without the letter
‘r'. Therefore, in applying the above principles,
correspond to the judge, not the plaintiff, to verify if these were
two companies and who the actual employer was.
Key Action Points for Human Resources and In-house
In applying the principles of “search for material
truth” and the “apparent employer”, the
obligation falls upon the judge, not the plaintiff, to identify the
worker's true employer.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.