19 May 2021

In Uzbekistan A Number Of Amendments Were Introduced Into The Legal Acts Governing The Activity Of NGOs

GRATA International


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On March 3, 2021, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Resolution "On additional measures for state support of non-governmental non-profit organizations...
Uzbekistan Government, Public Sector

On March 3, 2021, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Resolution "On additional measures for state support of non-governmental non-profit organizations, ensuring the freedom of their activities, protection of their rights and legitimate interests" No.PP-5012 (hereinafter – the "Resolution No.PP-5012").

In accordance with the Resolution No.PP-5012, the total amount of funds and assets that an NGO can attract from foreign sources with the notification of the registration body within one calendar year has been increased from 20 to 100 basic calculation values (BCV) (from UZS 4 900 000 to UZS 24 500 000).

In addition, the period of State registration of NGO symbols will now take no more than 15 days, instead of a month. It should also be noted that public associations of persons with disabilities, veterans, senior citizens, women, children can apply for registration and re-registration of symbols with no charge of State fee.

The Resolution No.PP-5012 pays special attention to the development of domestic NGOs. For these purposes specifically, the Public Fund for the Support of NGOs and Other Civil Society Institutions under the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be granted a State subsidy. The subsidy will then be used to finance programs and projects aimed at the development of domestic NGOs.

Also worth noting that the interference of state bodies and their officials in the legitimate activities of NGOs will now entail administrative sanctions. The draft law developed by the Ministry of Justice provides for the imposition of a fine on officials who have committed this offense in the amount of 7 to 10 BCV (from UZS 1.7 million to UZS 2.4 million), in case of repeated violations - up to 15 BCV (UZS 3.6 million). In case of detection of this offense, the justice authorities will draw up an administrative report and submit it to the court.

The Resolution No.PP-5012 also revised the activities of the National Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations of Uzbekistan (hereinafter – the "Association"). Accordingly, the Association will be acting in the following directions:

  • representation, as well as protection of the rights and legitimate interests of NGOs in state bodies, courts, international, foreign, and other organizations;
  • assistance in creating a favorable legal, economic and social environment for the implementation of NGO initiatives;

participation in the development of draft legal acts affecting the rights and legitimate interests of NGOs, as well as the preparation of proposals for improving the legislation governing this area and others.

Originally published 26 March 2021.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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