13 October 2022

Webinar: Chemicals Law: Direction Of EU Travel In The Green Revolution

This webinar will seek to explain the context in which this shift is taking and dive into some of the step changes that the EU is triggering.
Worldwide Energy and Natural Resources
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The EU's 2020 Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability sets out a long-term strategy for an EU chemicals policy that ambitiously aims at achieving a toxic-free environment.

How is it going to achieve that?

Firstly, by revolutionising the way it applies its regulations.

Secondly, by changing them.

The former will facilitate quicker regulation, the latter will ensure a wider net. Expect, therefore, a paradigm shift that has the potential for the law to be of far greater reach than has been the case to now.

But what does that really mean?

This webinar will seek to explain the context in which this shift is taking and dive into some of the step changes that the EU is triggering, including:

" The extension of the "generic approach to risk management"
" The intended introduction of new hazard classes and development of others
" The emphasis on eco-design and product-specific legislation
" The principle of one- substance-one-assessment
" Examples of the new approach: on chemicals per se (micro-plastics, PFASs, PVC) and on products (single use plastics).

By the end of it, you should have a clearer understanding of the EU's direction of travel and how it is likely to affect you and your business.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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