21 March 2022

Children's Custody Matters In Cyprus

AGPLAW | A.G. Paphitis & Co. LLC


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Established in 2006, AGP & Co is a highly reputable, dynamic, award winning and excellence driven Law Firm based in Cyprus with a strong international presence. It provides full service Legal, Corporate, FS Advisory & Regulatory Compliance/AML, Tax, Immigration and Real Estate services.
After a marriage or relationship breakdown, when a child is involved, everyone's target should be the child's best interest.
Cyprus Family and Matrimonial is important to ensure that each parent will have obligations that fit their personal circumstances and financial strength, and meet the needs of the child.

After a marriage or relationship breakdown, when a child is involved, everyone's target should be the child's best interest.

The Relations of Parents and Children Law (216/1990) provides for mandatory child maintenance and identifies the parents as jointly responsible for their children's maintenance until the age of 18.

Several points may need to be addressed in cases involving children in Cyprus, including:

  • custody and residency of the children in Cyprus;
  • contact and communication between the parents and their children in Cyprus;
  • the children's finances in Cyprus; and
  • parental responsibility issues.

In such cases, it is important to ensure that each parent will have obligations that fit their personal circumstances and financial strength, and meet the needs of the child.

Considerations in court

Generally, when deciding on the above, the court may take into consideration a number of matters relating to the child, such as:

  • the wishes and feelings of the child (depending on their age);
  • the child's sex, age and particular characteristics;
  • the child's educational and emotional needs;
  • the parents' standard of care and living;
  • the parents' economic abilities and strength;
  • the parent's capabilities of meeting the child's needs.

Parental responsibility

In Cyprus, parental responsibility is assigned in the following ways:

  • The mother has parental responsibility by virtue of giving birth to the child;
  • A father will automatically have parental responsibility if he was married to the mother at the time of the child's birth or shortly after;
  • A non-married father will have parental responsibility if he is named on the birth certificate.

Parental responsibility gives a variety of rights to the parent regarding all decisions about a child's upbringing and all important matters that will affect the child's education and religion, among other things. Although parental responsibility in Cyprus gives the parent a significant number of rights, there is a statutory obligation to exercise those rights in the best interest of the child.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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