On the 1st of February 2021, the Brussels office of Elias Neocleous & Co LLC presented a webinar, accredited by the Cyprus Bar Association, on 'The European Green Deal' .
Opening the webinar, Mr. Ierotheos Papadopoulos, Head of the European Commission Representation Office in Cyprus, gave a speech, during which, he presented the European Union's ambitious roadmap towards a climate-neutral circular economy where economic growth is decoupled from resource use. Mr. Papadopoulos advocated that, by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities, this new growth strategy will transform the Union into a modern, resource – efficient and competitive economy.
Main Speaker of the webinar, Nikolaos Korogiannakis, head of Brussels office, then provided a detailed presentation on the changes that have already taken place, with a special focus on their implications for the Cypriot and Greek economies. Mr. Korogiannakis also outlined additional legislative changes foreseen by the European Commission. He placed special emphasis on the role that lawyers and other service professionals must assume in alerting and guiding clients whose businesses are affected by the new policies. To be effective in doing this, he also stated that it is important that they should be familiar with the various opportunities and financing schemes which are being made available by the European Union to ease the transition to a greener future.
The 104 Cypriot lawyers following the webinar were clearly highly engaged by the topic, as evidenced by the lively question and answer session which followed the main presentations.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.