24 February 2022

Mauritius Among The Top 21 Countries In The World Classified As "Full Democracy"

AXIS Fiduciary Ltd


Axis Fiduciary Ltd (“Axis”) is a specialist service provider offering a full spectrum of corporate, fiduciary and fund services to a diversified client base. We set up companies, trusts, funds, foundations, partnerships and other legal entities and provide the necessary fiduciary, corporate, secretarial, administration, accounting, tax and other ancillary and support services. Axis is licensed by the Financial Services Commission of Mauritius as a Management Company. We also has a presence in Seychelles
The Economic Intelligence Unit ("EIU") has recently published the Democracy Index report for 2021 and we are pleased to announce that Mauritius has been classified as a "full democracy" country by the EIU.
Mauritius Government, Public Sector

The Economic Intelligence Unit ("EIU") has recently published the Democracy Index report for 2021 and we are pleased to announce that Mauritius has been classified as a "full democracy" country by the EIU. Mauritius placed 19  out of 167 jurisdictions on the democracy index and joins the rank of the 21 countries classified as full democracies. Ranked at the 20th position in 2020, Mauritius has climbed up the ranks in 2021 and is also the only country from the African region to be classified as "full democracy" by the EIU.

Read more about the EIU democracy index and the criteria contributing towards the classification of Mauritius HERE.

Read the full Democracy Index 2021 report HERE.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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