5 December 2024

Geneva Insights - December & January 2025

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP


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The World Trade Organization (WTO) Council for Trade in Goods (CTG) convenes on December 2-3 to address key topics in global trade, including notifications of regional trade agreements...
Switzerland Environment


The World Trade Organization (WTO) Council for Trade in Goods (CTG) convenes on December 2-3 to address key topics in global trade, including notifications of regional trade agreements, updates on implementation changes and proposals to integrate Harmonized System updates into WTO Schedules of Tariff Concessions. The meeting also reviews the extension of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme waiver for rough diamonds and discusses communications from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan on Article XXIV:6 negotiations, shaping discussions on global trade rules and transparency.

The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) hosts an event on December 5, titled "Redefining Multilateralism in a New Geopolitical Era." The event aims to explore the challenges facing multilateralism, including great power competition, violations of international law and political divisions. This conference features expert panel discussions on current diplomatic and negotiation challenges, as well as potential innovations in governance and negotiation strategies. The event brings together renowned experts and practitioners to share insights and experiences, and to discuss ways to adapt multilateral diplomacy to the changing geopolitical landscape.

The Building Bridges Summit hosts its fifth edition from December 9-12, featuring the Building Bridges Summit and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) FI Global Roundtable. The Summit convenes expert-led discussions on sustainable finance, climate change and social inequalities, with speakers including former heads of state, renowned impact investors and leading climate scientists. The Action Days offer 65+ crowd-sourced events, including panel discussions, workshops and trainings, while the UNEP FI Global Roundtable focuses on accelerating practical approaches to sustainable finance and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) holds its Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) from December 9-13, bringing together representatives from member states, international organizations and civil society to discuss the implementation of the Development Agenda Recommendations, WIPO's technical assistance in cooperation for development, and intellectual property (IP) and development, including the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on IP and development.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) hosts the fifth meeting of the Working Group on Measuring E-commerce and the Digital Economy from December 11- 12, bringing together experts from national statistical offices, government ministries, international organizations and the private sector to discuss progress in measuring e- commerce and the digital economy, including the value of e-commerce, non-survey-based measurement methods and developing capacities for measuring the digital economy.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) hosts the High-level International Investment Agreements Conference 2024 on December 12, focusing on mainstreaming sustainable development in international investment agreements (IIAs). The conference aims to address new and emerging issues such as environmental protection, climate change, labor rights, public health and the encouragement of responsible and inclusive investment, aligning international investment governance with global priorities and supporting sustainable and inclusive growth and development.

The World Trade Organization (WTO) General Council convenes on December 16-17 to address several critical issues, including restoring the organization's dispute settlement system, integrating the Investment Facilitation for Development Agreement into the WTO Agreement and discussing the extension of the moratorium on customs duties for electronic transmissions, aiming to modernize trade frameworks and promote global digital economy growth.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) hosts its Annual Meeting from January 20-24, bringing together global leaders from government, business, civil society and academia to tackle pressing global and regional challenges. Key agenda items include responding to geopolitical shocks and crises, stimulating economic growth to improve living standards and stewarding a just and inclusive energy transition to address climate change and ensure a sustainable future.

Standards and Regulatory

The Working Party on Passive Safety holds its 76th session from December 2-6. Over the five days, experts consider the adoption of amendments to United Nations Global Technical Regulations Nos. 13,14 and 20 which address hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles, safety belts and electrical vehicle safety respectively. Other important considerations of the meeting include regulations on child restraint systems, electric power trained vehicles and pedestrian safety.

The Inland Transportation Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe meets for the ninth time from December 2-5 to discuss actions taken since the May 2024 session. Specifically, the agenda includes discussion of the review of the existing international legal instruments on road traffic. Experts also resume discussion related to the definitions of "Driver" as well as more general road safety in light of increasing automated driving.

The Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals meet for its 47th session from December 4-6 to consider recommendations made by the Sub- Committee at its previous sessions. Among these are recommendations to develop a list of chemicals classified in accordance with the Globally Harmonized System and to publish reports on the status of implementation. The meeting also focuses on the development of guidance on the application of the Globally Harmonized System.

From January 20-24, the Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles meets for its 21st session. Topics range from general discussions of artificial intelligence (AI) in vehicles to more specific and technical concerns over electronic stability control and electromechanical braking. Experts also consider United Nations Regulation No. 79, which addresses steering equipment and advanced driver assistance systems. Finally, the risks of cybersecurity and data protection in connected vehicles is addressed.

Communications and Digital

From December 2-3, ITU Study Group 5 (SG5) reviews key topics in terrestrial services. Canada presents an overview of the group's structure and activities, while Brazil proposes terms of reference for Working Parties alongside revisions to a previous ITU-R recommendation. The Russian Federation offers amendments to the structure outlined in Annex 2 of Document 5/26. Interested parties can register here.

From December 2-6, the ITU World Radiocommunication Seminar 2024 (WRS-24) addresses the effective use of radio-frequency spectrum and satellite orbits. The seminar begins with plenary sessions December 2-3, open to all participants, and focuses on the application of ITU Radio Regulations. From December 4-6, specialized terrestrial and space workshops bring together ITU Member States, academia and ITU-R sector members to dive deeper into technical and regulatory practices. Interested parties can register here.

The 93rd EBU General Assembly (GA) takes place December 5-6, which coincides with the second edition of the AI Summit. Day 1 focuses on governance topics, including the election of nine members to the EBU Executive Board for 2025–2026 and a presentation of the EBU Compass, developed during summer breakout discussions. Day 2 features artificial intelligence (AI) themed sessions open to all EBU members in the morning, with high-level discussions continuing throughout the day. The event also includes an evening reception on December 5, providing opportunities for networking among delegates. Interested parties can register here.

From December 11-12, the ITU and European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) hosts the "ITU-ETSI Symposium on ICT Sustainability: Standards Driving Environmental Innovation." The symposium brings together industry leaders, policy-makers, and researchers to discuss the role of standards in minimizing environmental impact, enhancing energy efficiency, and promoting sustainable ICT practices. Topics include lifecycle assessments, environmental impact reporting and adapting ICT products to climate change. The event also aims to educate participants on leveraging sustainability standards for policies and regulations, showcase cutting-edge innovations and foster networking opportunities. Interested parties can register here.

From January 28-30, the Production Technology Seminar 2025 (PTS 2025) brings together key industry players to discuss emerging trends in media production technology. Sessions cover a wide range of topics, which include transforming into software-first, cloud-supported organizations, leveraging generative artificial intelligence (AI) for content production and developing a European large language model (LLM). Attendees also explore new media infrastructure paradigms, trust-building tools like Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity standards (C2PA) and updates on Big Tech's two-year outlook. Interested parties can register here.


The 12th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a World Health Organization (WHO) instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response resumes on December 2 and concludes on December 5. Substantive negotiations focus on addressing key unresolved issues and finalizing a new international agreement to enhance global pandemic preparedness and response, building on lessons from COVID-19. The November iteration showed differences in positions and likely spill over of the negotiations into 2025. Thus, this session will be more about strategizing for next months that see an uncertain outlook rather than finalizing the treaty.

The 18th meeting of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Strategic and Technical Advisory Group (STAG) for Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) takes place on December 5–6. Key topics for discussion include follow-up on prior recommendations, the One Health approach, gender and equity considerations, climate change impacts on NTDs and multi-disease elimination. STAG-NTD, the principal advisory body to WHO on NTD policies and strategies, reports directly to the Director-General and provides guidance on global NTD control, elimination and eradication efforts.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Product Development for Vaccines Advisory Committee (PDVAC) Meeting takes place from December 9-12. PDVAC provides external advice to WHO on priority infectious disease pathogens, vaccine and monoclonal antibody development approaches, and related manufacturing and delivery technologies. The meeting includes discussions on target pathogen prioritization, technology platforms, preferred product characteristics, technical roadmaps and product development pathways.

The World Health Organization (WHO) holds the Overcoming Political Challenges to Transforming Mental Health Systems webinar on December 10. The WHO explores progress, achievements and challenges in countries involved in its Special Initiative for Mental Health, focusing on how political processes influence mental health system transformation. Experts share findings, reflect on experiences and discuss pathways to sustainable mental health reform.

The trilateral cooperation between the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have a long-standing mechanism to tackle issues at the intersection of their remits. The mortality from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) on the rise and with a political culmination on the topic coming up next year, the trilateral organizes a Symposium on December 13 to discuss the causalities and remedies of the evolving NCDs situation.

The expert workshop on new developments in ensuring access to medicines, vaccines, and other health products takes place on January 21. Organized by the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the workshop responds to Human Rights Council resolution 50/13 and focuses on the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. This is the third in a series of workshops aimed at contributing to a comprehensive report to be presented at the Council's 59th session.

The 154th session of the Executive Board takes place from January 22-27. The Executive Board, composed of 34 technically qualified members elected for three-year terms, implements the decisions and policies of the World Health Assembly and advises and facilitates its work. The session includes discussions on key health priorities such as universal health coverage, infection prevention, immunization, neglected tropical diseases, and antimicrobial resistance. Other topics include the World Health Organization's (WHO) work in health emergencies, social determinants of health, climate change, and maternal and child health. The session also addresses budget, governance and staffing matters.

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