Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Petitions Against Slag Pots from China
On December 31, 2024, new antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) petitions were filed against imports of slag pots from China. Slag pots are essential equipment used by steelmakers and other metallurgical industries to collect and transfer molten slag. The petition was filed by WHEMCO-Steel Castings, Inc., which claims to be the last remaining U.S. producer of slag pots.
This marked the final AD/CVD petition of 2024, capping off an unprecedentedly busy year for trade cases. A total of 27 new product petitions were filed, leading to 67 AD investigations and 49 CVD investigations. The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has been inundated with these cases, recently announcing a 90-day extension for preliminary and final results in its administrative and new shipper reviews. This extension aims to allocate sufficient staffing for the numerous new AD/CVD investigations.
China remains the primary target, being named in 18 of the 27 product petitions. Despite existing Section 301 tariffs on many Chinese imports, enough products continued entering the U.S. market to spur domestic industries to seek additional protection through AD/CVD duties.
With President Trump preparing to start his second term, he has promised another wave of tariffs on imports from China and other countries. Bipartisan support for protectionist measures has grown, with fewer advocates for the benefits of international trade—particularly with China. In this political climate, 2025 is likely to see even more AD/CVD cases initiated by domestic industries.
Investigative Process
The AD/CVD investigations will be conducted by two federal agencies. The International Trade Commission (ITC) will examine whether the imports have materially retarded the establishment of domestic industries. Meanwhile, the DOC will investigate whether the imports are being sold at less than fair value (dumping) or benefit from unfair government subsidies. Both agencies must issue affirmative findings for AD/CVD duties to be imposed.
Scope of Investigation
The petition defines the scope of the investigation as follows:
The merchandise includes slag pots with a nominal capacity of 65 to 1,200 cubic feet, regardless of shape, form, or finish. These load-bearing devices are typically formed as a curved shell designed to collect molten or solid slag generated during metallurgical or chemical processes. Slag pots may be produced via casting or fabrication and can include ceramic coatings, heat treatments, or various finishes to handle high-temperature slag. They often include attachments for transport, such as stands, hooks, or brackets.
The scope covers finished and unfinished slag pots, whether shipped individually, with other parts, assembled, or unassembled. The country of origin is determined by where the slag pot was cast or forged, even if further processed or assembled in a third country. The inclusion of non-subject parts does not remove the slag pots from the scope of the investigation.
The covered merchandise is classified under Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTSUS) subheading 7309.00.0090. While the HTSUS subheading is provided for convenience, the written scope description is controlling.
Alleged AD/CVD Margins
Petitioner calculated an estimated dumping margins ranging from 319.25%.
Petitioner did not provide any specific subsidy margin calculations.
Named Exporters/ Producers
Petitioner included a list of companies that it believes are producers and exporters of the subject merchandise. See attached list of foreign producers here.
Named U.S. Importers
Petitioner included a list of companies that it believes are U.S. importers of the subject merchandise. See attached list of importers here.
Estimated Schedule of Investigations
December 31, 2024 – Petitions filed
January 20, 2025 – DOC initiates investigation
January 21, 2025 – ITC Staff Conference
February 13, 2025 – ITC preliminary determination
May 30, 2025 – DOC CVD preliminary determination (assuming extended deadline) (3/26/25 – unextended)
July 29, 2025 – DOC AD preliminary determination (assuming extended deadline)
(6/9/25 – unextended)
December 11, 2025 – DOC AD/CVD final determinations (extended)
January 25, 2026 – ITC final determination (extended)
February 1, 2026 – DOC AD/CVD orders issued (extended)
New AD/CVD Petitions: Slag Pots from China
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.