We are thrilled to present on the fast-paced world of China merger control and antitrust. China receives significant attention as one of the largest economies. In contrast, many find it challenging to keep pace with and decipher the overwhelming legislative, enforcement and policy developments especially over the 2023 that just passed In this webinar, we will bring you the latest insights on the ground coving impacts of geopolitical factors on merger control in China, enforcement trend with China coming out of COVID, and the increasingly modern, sophisticated and comprehensive approach to legal issues.
The ever-evolving geopolitical dynamics, in particular China-US relationship, is widely believed to have cast significant influences on merger control in China. A number of deals, especially those in the tech sector, attributed the long and unpredictable review timetable or even China-specific remedies to geopolitical factors. We will discuss these beliefs, and how practically deal parties can manage China merger control to be able to close the deal in time.
China's latest policy focus is economy growth, amidst a slower than expected recovery coming out of COVID. We will discuss in this webinar how merger control and antitrust may be relevant to that as effective policy tools and the practical implications for deal makers and compliance officers.
Against these broader developments, the Chinese authorities and courts also continue to explore new areas of legal issues. Deals below turnover jurisdictional threshold are being called in for review, no-poach agreements are receiving attention and overseas issues are being reviewed using the extraterritorial power of the Anti-Monopoly Law, to just name a few of the developments that we will discuss at the webinar.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.