WIPO GREEN was launched on November 28, 2013 to provide an online marketplace connecting a wide variety of groups seeking shared innovation and environmentally friendly technologies to address climate change. WIPO GREEN is governed by the Advisory Board and the Secretariat under the rules laid out in the WIPO GREEN Charter.
The WIPO GREEN database and network matches owners of new technologies with individuals or companies seeking to commercialize, license or otherwise distribute a green technology. Its objective is to accelerate innovation and diffusion of green technologies and contribute to the efforts of developing countries in addressing climate change.
The WIPO GREEN database offers a broad listing of green technology products, services and intellectual property (IP) assets, and also allows individuals and companies to list green technology needs.
The database:
- offers green technology providers greater visibility for their products, services and IP assets (including inventions, patents, technologies and know-how) for sale or license, helping to attract partners and finance;
- advertises technological needs – including specific technologies and IP assets, funding, training and professional services;
- provides a listing of innovative green technologies, IP assets and experts that makes it a useful resource for investors, entrepreneurs and licensing managers looking to construct and execute deals in the green technology space.
The WIPO GREEN network:
- helps facilitate commercial relationships and transactions by connecting green technology providers and seekers, and acting as a gateway to a range of relevant services;
- hosts a freely accessible online roster of green technology consultants and service providers, offering expertise in a wide range of areas including IP management, licensing and investment;
- acts as a gateway to useful IP services, such as WIPO's Arbitration and Mediation Center.
Through the network, members can meet a wide range of stakeholders – including SMEs, multinational companies, intergovernmental organizations, investors and academics that provide a new opportunity for collaboration and partnership.
The WIPO GREEN Network has grown to reach over 6,000 members and subscribers across 170 countries in 2017. The expansion of our Network continues. Latin American partners include:
- Brazilian Forum of Innovation and Technology Transfer Managers (FORTEC), Brazil
- Brazilian Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), Brazil
- SOLBEN, Mexico
Only Brazilian and Mexican partners have been involved from the beginning of the project, which leaves a large field of expansion in Latin American in the near future. It also denotes the need of increasing the efforts to achieve conscience developing, sharing and implementing green technologies in this vast area of the planet.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.