Ogier is sponsoring the National Trust for Jersey's education programme "A Miller's Life" at Le Moulin de Quétivel, which takes place this week. Ogier has supported the innovative learning experience since its inception three years ago, and the programme been adapted this year in line with COVID-19 safety guidelines.

Over the course of the week, 250 Year 5 pupils will visit Jersey's only surviving working watermill to participate in interactive history, science, design technology and geography lessons.

The programme draws on the mill and its surroundings to bring subjects to life for the pupils, and is composed of four rotated sessions, including a guided walk from the Mill Pond to the mill focussing on the geography of St Peter's valley, and lessons with actors playing historical characters talking about life at the mill in the 19th century. A design technology element is introduced in the final session of the day, where students work in pairs to make a waterwheel and experiment with various working models.

Education is at the heart of Ogier's corporate social responsibility initiatives. The National Trust education programme follows on from Ogier's support of various Jersey Heritage projects, and reading programme Every Child Our Future.

Director of Marketing and Communications Kate Kirk said:

"We are delighted that so many pupils will be able to join in the programme at Le Moulin de Quétivel in spite of the challenges that COVID-19 has presented. The mixture of lessons in history, science and geography that the Miller's Life brings together in such an interactive learning experience has proven to be popular and engaging for pupils over the years, and we are pleased to be supporting National Trust for Jersey in continuing the programme for pupils this year."