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Corporate Tax

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Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Swiss taxes are levied at three levels: federal, cantonal and communal.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The two main taxes regularly levied on Swiss resident corporate entities are income tax and capital tax. While income tax is levied at the three levels, capital tax is levied only by cantons and communes. The applicable rates vary depending on the cantons and communes. Under current law, effective corporate income tax rates vary roughly between 12% and 24%, whereas capital tax rates range from approximately 0.001% to 0.5%. An ongoing corporate tax reform may change the applicable rates (see question 2.1).

Any dividend distribution made by a Swiss company triggers a 35% withholding tax, which can then be claimed back, at least partially. While Swiss resident shareholders can seek a full refund under domestic law, foreign resident shareholders must rely on an applicable double tax treaty, if any. Interest paid to bond holders by a Swiss debtor also triggers Swiss withholding tax.

When a Swiss company is incorporated or when its capital is increased, an issuance stamp duty of 1% is owed if the capital exceeds CHF 1 million. A negotiation stamp duty may also be triggered on the transfer of securities where the Swiss company qualifies as a security dealer.

Depending on their activities, Swiss companies may also be subject to valued added tax – the general rate being 7.7% – if their annual turnover reaches CHF 100,000 (see question 8).

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Corporate income tax is based on net profits and capital tax is calculated on equity (including reserves). Other taxes may rely on other parameters. For instance, the Geneva communal professional tax is computed on several factors, including revenue, rents and number of employees.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Income and gains arising from qualified participations are generally tax exempt (indirect participation exemption regime), provided that certain conditions are met. Dividends are eligible where the participation represents at least 10% of the capital in a company or is worth at least CHF 1 million. As for capital gains, the participation sold must represent at least 10% (the CHF 1 million threshold is not applicable) and must have been held for at least one year.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

It is a worldwide regime which provides for some exemptions, such as for permanent establishments abroad and foreign real estate. Conversely, Swiss permanent establishments of foreign companies are subject to limited tax liability. The same applies to foreign companies owning Swiss real estate.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Losses may be carried forward for a seven-year period. Losses incurred abroad are generally recognised.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The notion of beneficial ownership is particularly relevant when it comes to nominee arrangements. Provided that the latter meet some formal criteria, the beneficial owner – rather than the nominee – shall be liable to pay the taxes pertaining to the property that is subject to the arrangement. The same applies to other situations, such as usufruct. Likewise, where a refund of Swiss withholding tax (eg, levied on dividends) is sought, the tax administration will verify that the applicant qualifies as the beneficial owner of the income on which the tax has been levied.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Generally, the corporate income tax and capital tax rates are flat. This is particularly true for federal income tax and most cantonal income tax rates. However, in some cantons a progressive rate applies.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

As a rule, corporate income and capital taxes are levied only on companies, foundations and associations. While most investment funds are tax transparent, those owning Swiss real estate directly are liable to corporate income and capital taxes.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The current law provides for several special regimes – most importantly, the holding regime and the auxiliary regime. The holding regime offers a general income tax exemption (except for real estate) and reduced capital tax rates at the cantonal and communal levels. The auxiliary regime, which typically applies to trading companies, reduces the tax base of companies whose activities are mainly foreign oriented, which effectively brings down the applicable income tax rates to 8% to 12% on foreign-source income, and also offers reduced capital tax rates.

Under the current corporate tax reform, which was voted on by Parliament on 28 September 2018 and must now be validated by the people in a referendum on 19 May 2019, these special regimes would be repealed and new favourable measures would be implemented. Most importantly, the applicable income tax rates would be lowered. The new expected corporate income tax rates would range from 12% to 18%. Special deductions for research and development expenses would also be granted to Swiss companies and a new patent box would be created, offering Swiss corporations a reduced tax base for income from patents and similar rights (maximum relief of 90%). Some cantons may also offer a notional interest deduction on excess capital. If approved by the people, the corporate tax reform is expected to enter into force in 2020.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Tax-free reorganisations are possible to a large extent. The applicable conditions depend on the form of reorganisation. As a rule, the tax substance must be kept in Switzerland and the assets transferred must be kept at their relevant accounting value. However, some reorganisations do trigger tax consequences, particularly in cross-border situations.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Some companies, where eligible, can apply for any of the special regimes described in question 2.1.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Any gains or losses resulting from conversion of the statutory accounts from a foreign functional currency into Swiss francs cannot be included in the profit and loss accounts.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Under current law, some cantons offer privileged tax treatment for income arising from the use of intangible property, such as intellectual property. As mentioned, the corporate tax reform would implement a new patent box regime (see question 2.1).

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Corporate employers shall pay mandatory contributions to pensions, which are tax deductible.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

All companies, irrespective of sector, are subject to the same tax treatment, according to the equality principle.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Real estate taxes may apply to companies owning properties in Switzerland.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Certain cantons grant a credit of corporate income tax against equity tax.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Generally, tax follows the accounts. Thus, accounts which are valid from a commercial law perspective are also valid and binding for Swiss tax purposes. However, certain exceptions apply. For example, special tax guidelines apply as to the generally permissible depreciation rates.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Not under the current rules.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Impairments of up to one-third are generally accepted on inventory.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

As private capital gains are tax free, derivatives must be analysed and classified in different categories. In the case of transparent products, that part of the income which is derived from the option component may be tax free. In the case of non-transparent products, the entire income will be taxable.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Foreign companies with a permanent establishment or real estate in Switzerland are subject to limited liability to Swiss tax. Should a company with its seat abroad be considered as effectively managed from Switzerland, an unlimited liability to Swiss tax will arise.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

A Swiss withholding tax of 35% applies to dividend distributions to shareholders and interest payments to bond holders by Swiss companies. A total or partial refund can be sought before the Federal Tax Administration based on any applicable tax treaty. Switzerland’s treaty network includes over 100 double tax conventions.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The Swiss authorities are required by the Swiss Constitution to observe international law. Although there are no rules on conflicts between provisions of Swiss law and international law, international law takes precedence over domestic law.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Where a foreign withholding tax is levied on income paid to a Swiss company, the latter can claim a tax credit only if the applicable double tax treaty so provides. In the absence of a treaty, some cantons may allow for the deduction of foreign tax paid.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Under the upcoming reform, companies migrating to Switzerland will be eligible for a step up in basis, whereby assets are revalued at fair market value with no Swiss corporate income tax consequences. Thus, the basis for depreciations and/or for future disposals is higher. Depending on the facts at hand, there is also potential to create capital contribution reserves, which could be distributed free of tax.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The transfer of a company’s seat or effective management out of Switzerland is equated to liquidation, which implies the taxation of the company’s hidden reserves. Both corporate income tax and withholding tax apply.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Yes, anti-avoidance rules can be found both in case law and in the statutory provisions of the applicable laws. Some derive from the general interdiction of the abuse of law; others are based on explicit tax provisions.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The main rule precludes taxpayers from adopting abusive behaviours. A behaviour is considered abusive if:

  • a given structure or transaction is seen as unusual, inappropriate or strange;
  • it must be presumed that the structure or transaction was chosen in order to avoid tax that would otherwise have been due; and
  • the structure or transaction would indeed lead to a considerable tax saving if it were accepted.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The main rules are:

  • the abuse of law theory;
  • the concept of simulation (which is based on recourse to the underlying economic reality of a contractual arrangement);
  • the old reserve theory (resulting in the denial of a favourable treaty withholding tax rate after an allegedly abusive restructuring);
  • hidden profit distributions (where related parties are seen to be receiving an undue benefit from a company); and
  • arm’s-length adjustments.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Yes, tax rulings are very common and regularly advisable.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Switzerland has not enacted specific transfer pricing rules. However, the notion of dealing at arm’s length is generally observed and applied under Swiss tax laws. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development guidelines are generally observed by the Swiss tax authorities.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The statutory limitation periods are complex and vary according to the taxes involved. The most important rules are:

  • the 10-year absolute statute of limitations for direct taxes (ie, the Federal Tax Administration can make amendments up to 10 years back if the respective legal requirements are met); and
  • a five-year ‘relative’ statute of limitations regarding withholding tax on dividends. This is relative as the Federal Tax Administration may interrupt and thus extend it indefinitely.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The applicable deadlines depend on the cantons that have tax jurisdiction. In Zurich, the deadline is 30 September; in Geneva, 30 April; and frequently it is set at six months after the financial year end. These deadlines are usually easily extendable within a certain limit.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The penalty for tax evasion can be up to three times the amount of the tax evaded. In cases of tax fraud, there can be an additional fine or even imprisonment. Individuals who aid or abet tax offences not only are exposed to similar sanctions, but may also be held personally and jointly liable for the taxes evaded.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Yes, Switzerland has introduced country-by-country reporting on an international level in accordance with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development recommendations.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

No tax consolidation applies in Switzerland (except for value added tax purposes).

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

The following indirect taxes may apply in particular:

  • value added tax at 7.7% (standard rate);
  • stamp duties (issuance stamp duty at 1% on equity capital contributions and transfer stamp duty of 0.15% or 0.3% on transfers of securities by certain types of taxpayers);
  • radio and television broadcasting tax (based on turnover); and
  • customs duties.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Yes. Where securities dealers for stamp duty purposes transfer ownership in certain securities (mostly shares and bonds), they must pay a transfer stamp duty of 0.15% on Swiss securities and of 0.3% on foreign securities.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

Switzerland is currently focused on its corporate tax reform, which is expected to have a significant impact on the Swiss economy. Bearing in mind that the first project was refused by referendum in 2017, the Swiss government is strongly supporting the new draft law, which should be put to the vote on 19 May 2019.

Switzerland - Walder Wyss Ltd.

It is very common to discuss transactions in advance with the tax authorities and to request advance tax rulings.

Especially in contentious cases, the authorities will usually seek to understand the economic reality and will be less inclined to recognise a mere legal or formal framework. It is therefore paramount that a given structure have economic reality and substance.

Given the federal organisation of Switzerland, the administrative practice regarding a specific legal question may vary considerably, depending on which canton will ultimately be responsible.

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