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Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA
Many owners of real estate conglomerates are currently considering making capital changes to reduce the wealth tax for 2023.
Advokatfirmaet Hjort DA
AP, SP, and SV have agreed to investigate differentiated valuation of unlisted shares in wealth tax based
Dalan Advokatfirma
Hvis en aksjeeier tar ut penger fra et aksjeselskap uten å følge reglene for lønn eller utbytte, kan det anses som straffbart underslag.
Dalan Advokatfirma
Fristen for å innlevere gikk ut 30. april (2. mai i år, siden 30. april var søndag og 1. mai offentlig høytidsdag) for lønnstakere og pensjonister, og går ut den 31. mai for næringsdrivende.
Dalan Advokatfirma
Det skrives mye om arveavgift etter at Torvik-utvalget avga sin innstilling til ny skattereform i desember 2022. Som kjent foreslår et samlet utvalg at formuesskatten bør reduseres og delvis erstattes med en arveavgift.
The Norwegian Government has today put forward its proposal for a resource rent tax in aquaculture, which very briefly contains the following main points.
SANDS Advokatfirma
A proposal for changes in the Norwegian Tonnage Tax System was submitted on Friday 24 September. In this article, our tax lawyers consider how these changes will affect shipping companies and the shipping industry...
Finansdepartementet har nylig publisert en veiledende uttalelse, der de konkluderer med at konserninterne renter må anses som omsetning i relasjon til fradragsreglene for merverdiavgift.
Lagmannsretten avsa 26. november 2020 dom i saken mellom Finansdepartementet og Skatteklagenemnda. Skatteklagenemndas anke forkastes, noe som vil si at tingrettens dom om å nekte fradrag for mva...
TMF Group BV
Announced last month, Norway's 2016 Budget proposals include a corporate tax rate cut and an increase in the VAT rate.
SANDS Advokatfirma
As a result of the State Budget for 2014, the proposed restriction on the right to deduction for interest paid to related parties has been implemented in the Norwegian tax legislation.
Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma AS
The Norwegian Government introduced the State Budget 2012 6 October 2011.
Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA
The Tax Act now provides explicitly that the OECD Guidelines must be taken into consideration when applying the Norwegian arm's length principle between Norwegian and foreign related entities.
Bugge, Arentz-Hansen & Rasmussen
A recent Supreme Court ruling confirmed the right to deduct input value added tax (VAT) for 'mixed' businesses - that is, businesses with both activities subject to VAT and activities exempt from VAT.
Bugge, Arentz-Hansen & Rasmussen
Norwegian partnerships are regarded as transparent entities for tax purposes. Therefore, the income of partnerships is taxed at the hands of the partners regardless of whether the income has been distributed. In order for partnerships established abroad to be treated as transparent entities for Norwegian tax purposes, at least one of the partners (the general partner) must have an unlimited and personal obligation for the partnership's debts, liabilities and obligations.
SANDS Advokatfirma
KPMG Law Advokatfirma DA
KPMG Law Advokatfirma DA
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