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Bosnia Herzegovina
Bosnia Herzegovina
At the last session, the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina unanimously adopted the Bill on Amendments to the Law on Value Added Tax.
The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has adopted a Decision on establishing the lowest salary for the period 01.01.2023 to 31.12.2023 in the net amount of 596 KM...
The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Law on Amendments to the Law on Incentives in the Economy of the Republic of Srpska.
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
Registracija žiga u BiH posljednjih godina dobiva na važnosti, kako zbog veće trgovinske povezanosti sa Europskom Unijom, ...
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
Bilateralni ugovori ili bilateralni sporazumi su posebne vrste pisanih sporazuma zaključenih uglavnom između dviju suverenih država.
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
Cartels Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Bosnia Herzegovina, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
As the Government is continuously taking actions to improve employee benefits packages and prevent a potential outflow of workers starting from 22.02.2022...
Amendments to the RS Labor Law were published in the Republika Srpska Official Gazette on December 29, 2021, while previously announced changes to the Law on Income Tax and...
Starting from January 2022, a new model of fiscalisation will come into force in the Republic of Srpska. That will enable the suppression of the gray economy, and will benefit both employers and citizens...
the Government of the Federation of BiH, at its session held on June 3, 2021 adopted the Guidelines for Economic and Fiscal Policy of the FBiH for the period 2022 to 2024.
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
U članku je dat pregled ostavinskog postupka unutar EU s posebnim naglaskom na situacije gdje imamo imovinu u više država članica, kao i imovinu izvan EU uz konkretan primjer iz Bosne i Hercegovine.
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
Kako dobiti državljanstvo BiH ukoliko nemate nikakvo porijeklo niti obiteljske poveznice sa državom? Postoji procedura naturalizacije...
Foreign citizens or legal entities that bought certain goods or services in Bosnia and Herzegovina, have the legal right to a VAT refund for those goods or services provided that certain conditions are met.
The Government of the Republic of Srpska plans to tax dividends and income from the share in the company's profit, rather than income based on interest on citizen's savings, and taxation of the total gross salary.
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
Bosnia and Herzegovina is traditionally defined and marked as a migration country, both before and after the modern declaration of state.
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
Ukoliko smatrate da ste itekako u vezi sa Bosnom i Hercegovinom, te imate određene socijalno-pravne relacije, reagirajte na vrijeme i uživajte i stvarno pravo državljanina, bez obzira u kojem dijelu svijeta se nalazili.
To the joy and satisfaction of many employees, the amendments to the Law on Income Tax of the Republic of Srpska are to increase the personal income of all workers. The minimum wage
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
If you consider yourself emotionally connected with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and you have certain legal preconditions, think about taking on citizenship acquisition proceedings and enjoy the complete right as any citizen, ...
The first draft of the Law on Excise Duties seeks to meet the criteria of the European Union, including...
Odvjetnicki ured Ljubic
Potraživanje predstavlja financijski odnos vjerovnika prema dužniku koji je najčešće nastao na osnovu kupoprodaje ili pak ugovora o zajmu.
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