Legal Times, a top legal outlet in South Korea, recently featured observations by White Collar Defense & Investigations partner Murad Hussain on the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), the recent U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York indictment of Sue Mi Terry — former analyst of Korean affairs for the CIA charged with acting as a foreign agent for South Korea — and broader takeaways for the Korean private sector.
The article, "'Sumi Terry Prosecution' Draws Attention to U.S. Foreign Agent Registration Act," cited Hussain's view that the U.S. Department of Justice has "devoted ever more time and resources to FARA investigations and pursuing criminal prosecution and civil enforcement litigation."
Hussain also observed that U.S. operations with foreign connections should familiarize themselves with FARA and whether the law applies to them.
Read the full article (published in Korean).
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