4 December 2024

Texas Business Court Opinions Now Available

Greenberg Traurig, LLP


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Greenberg Traurig, LLP has more than 2750 attorneys in 48 locations in the United States, Europe and the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia. The firm is a 2024 BTI “Leading Edge Law Firm” for delivering on client expectations for the future and is consistently among the top firms on the Am Law Global 100 and NLJ 500. Greenberg Traurig is Mansfield Rule Certified Plus by The Diversity Lab. The firm is recognized for powering its U.S. offices with 100% renewable energy as certified by the Center for Resource Solutions Green-e® Energy program and is a member of the U.S. EPA’s Green Power Partnership Program. The firm is known for its philanthropic giving, innovation, diversity, and pro bono. Web:
Opinions of the new Texas Business Court, a statewide, specialized trial court created to resolve certain complex business disputes, are now available online.
United States Texas Corporate/Commercial Law

Opinions of the new Texas Business Court, a statewide, specialized trial court created to resolve certain complex business disputes, are now available online. The court's presiding judges must have significant experience in business transaction law or litigating or adjudicating complex commercial disputes. Their reasoned opinions, particularly for issues involving corporate governance, fiduciary duties, and the interpretation of complex agreements and corporate documents, will establish precedent and provide clarity on how the court interprets matters. This developing body of case law should offer Texas businesses and investors greater predictability when making decisions and resolving disputes.

View Texas Business Court opinions.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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