Welcome back to The Week in Weed, your Friday look at what's happening in the world of legalized marijuana. This week, we see Ohio preparing to open a retail cannabis market. We have a look at the potential Vice Presidential picks' views on marijuana. We see chances of cannabis legislation disappearing, yet again. And finally, this year's California state fair featured cannabis sales and a weed lounge.
Ohio voters approved a ballot measure last November to legalize adult-use cannabis in the state. The state's Division of Cannabis Control has been busy issuing licenses to various groups of businesses in the marijuana industry, including testing labs, cultivators and processors. Dispensaries are the next group to receive licenses. State law requires that dispensaries be issued licenses by September 7; officials are hopeful that they'll be able to beat that deadline.
As of this blogging, Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, has not yet picked a Vice Presidential nominee. There are, however, several names that keep popping up as likely picks. What do these folks think about cannabis legalization? Our friends at Marijuana Moment have a great rundown on where the top contenders stand. In a nutshell, all of them support legalization; some are governors who have signed state legalization (either medical or adult-use) bills into law.
You know how at the beginning of each new Congressional session several federal legalization bills are introduced, and then, as the session draws to a close, it becomes obvious that they're not going to pass? Well, that's happening again. The House is already on their summer break, and the Senate will join them momentarily. They'll be back after Labor Day for a few weeks, but then will break for campaigning. And after that, there's a lame duck session until the new Congress is sworn in. So, prospects for cannabis banking or for federal legalization are looking mighty dim. Politico has a look at where things stand (subscription required).
This year's California State Fair featured a number of cannabis booths, and, for the third year, awards in cannabis categories. What got added to the mix in 2024 was a weed lounge for on-site consumption.
Be well everyone, and we'll see you next week.
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